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I find this odd


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OK, here's how I see it: I agree with the new teacher. In fact, he might be being on the generous side giving you green - well, green is possibly a general proficiency" grade, so who knows. I don't care if you're a high-muckety muck in the system of Master Soanso. I'm not teaching Master Soanso's system. If you're in my class I expect you to learn the way we do it, because Master Soanso is doing a totally different art (changing ryu is not a small thing) and you're here to learn how to move like -my- master moves. Probably you can learn fast as you adjust and get to where you were with Master Soanso.. but I don't know what qualifications Soanso had for his upper ranks, I only know what ours are. So even if you snapped in perfectly, you might be higher or lower ranked in -my- lineage, I don't know yet.

Since I do NOT know what you would be ranked if you'd started in my school, and you do NOT know how to do things the way WE do them yet (even if it might be airly subtle in a lot of ways) i'd feel best if I just bumped you down to a level I know that you can perform at no matter HOW strange of a situation might have happenned, and let you rise to where you fit in the lineage I teach as you adjust, rather than have you be a puzzling anomaly in my class that I have to beware of until you adjust.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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It sounds to me like YOU may be the problem here.

If you had a falling out with your old teacher, and are now going to cause a problem by going into a new school with this kind of attitude, the problem is more than likely YOUR ego.

Look within yourself for the root cause of both of your problems, before you go causing yourself and others more problems.

This is just my two cents on your post, and I could very well be wrong, so please do not take this as a poke or an insulting response.

Good luck to you!

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If the new dojo and the old dojo are members of the same organization, where all membership dues, registration fees go to, an all certificates and rank are issued from, there should be no problem keeping your shodan. If you are switching organizations, expect on putting on the white belt and doing things their way. Good luck with it.

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Provided it is a different organization (if not I don't see why they do not let you wear your BB).

I would start back where they think I should start as a sign of respect and diligence.

In your skills you are a black belt already... if you continue to perform as a black belt I think you'll soon regain the BB status also in the new dojo.

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I agree with what was said already. I started from white belt (from TSD to TKD), and I hated it. I did get to my first 4 ranks faster than usual, but I got overwhelmed. I slowed down when I got my green (I chilled at this rank for a long while). Because, I realized that the curriculum was different (the forms were different, the one steps were different, ect). I actually liked starting over, because I didn't have to just "learn the motions" to get to my previous rank. I was able to learn the techniques properly, and take my time.

Just remember Modesty and humility, my friend ;)

Laurie F

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As has already been mentioned, a very important piece of your question was left out. That is whether or not the new school you are going to is a different style. If it's the same style and they don't want you to continue to ware your rank then it could be seen as a minor sign of disrespect or disagreement by your new school with your old sensei. However I highly doubt that this is the case. It is much more likely that this is a similar but different style, maybe another Okinawan Karate, but still something different. In this case allowing you to start at green is in fact a serious offer of respect and consideration for your old school and sensei that you should not expect to receive everywhere. Allowing you to start at green in another style tells you that they believe that your ranking in your other style translates to your new style so well as to be given at least 5 ranks in a style that you really have no direct experience in. That's really an amazing show of faith and respect because you are not entitled to any ranking in any style you have not spent the time in to receive. My suggestion is that you humble yourself and understand that in terms of rank you are comparing apples to oranges. A black belt in one style does not denote any knowledge or ranking of any other style but the one you received it in and should not be compared. Go to class realizing that you are a beginner and novice in this new style and you just might learn something. Go in thinking you already know a lot and you are probably wasting everyone's time.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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but there is the possiblitly you will test faster than others because of your experience. just seeing if you are willing to go back may be a test in itself. i wouldnt worry about it.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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I hear what everyone is saying but I think alot of you have missed the point. As for my old sensei he was more of a business man than a sensei and that is where the problem between me and him lay. As for the new sensei his okinawan sensei and mine are bitter enemies and to accept lower rank in the EXACT same system I feel would be disrespectful to Yasuda sensei who is my okinawan sensei. If it was a different system or even a different style of goju say meibukan or shorei kan than I could understand as there would be many little differences but it isn't it is the same. So To accept lower rank or not is the question still. I have no problem wearing a white belt in a system I know nothing about which is what I plan on doing anyway so thanks for everyones help

Kisshu fushin oni te hotoke kokoro

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I understand your dilema but I still see no problem in starting at a lower rank...it would be disrespectful to your new sensei. Disrespect is disrespect....no matter who you give it to...so your only choice is to accept the rank or find another school to train at. Remember, different sensei's have different style even if they have the same grandmaster.If you are this concerned about it contact your grandmaster and get his opinion, although there is nothing you can do about the politics between your sensei's, etc. Personally, I think my grandmaster would welcome a student that was willing to humble themselves in such a way...not feel disrespected. But that is just my opinion.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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