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Work out routines


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im going to purchase a weight bench to gain some muscle. i was wondering what kind of workouts i could do with the bench. i just want cut/toned arms,shoulders, and backmuscles. also i heard from some people that i should organize my workouts. can someone please recommend me a workout which would give me the quickest results. also what kind of protein drinks/shakes do you recommend?

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results being... size or strength? if it's size then you're on the wrong board, body building won't help worth crap for your ma training (and body builders are in THE worst shape of any fitness generalization). If it's strength without care of size, do a google search for olympic lifting, those guys are incredible, I've heard pro oly lifters are some of the fastest sprinters. Oly lifting would benefit incredibly with your ma training.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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When I purchased my first bench, it came with a little guide with some excersizes in it. Did yours come with that? If it didn't, go to your local bookstore and you can find a ton of books dealing with weight training. You can even find them with weight training for the martial arts. If all else fails, google it. Good luck.

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."

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If you want to become a boxer, fighter etc never run like a marthon runner never lift like a bodybuilder...

There will be a day that you can't cope with your life, I want you to look at the star and remember, I always smile back at you. luV u lots Jen

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Here is a list of excersizes . It is supossed to be geared to MA's but I feel it is more of a general work out . It will help with muscle endurance and general strength . Take a look and see if there is anything you like . I would recommend that you start with a program like this and work your way up to something more activity specific . This workout should give you a good base from which to work from .



We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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fangshi, thats a body builders routine, not one for a martial artist. Doing stuff like leg extensions/leg curls are of no importance, where in life would you use one of those? Olympic lifts and kettlebell routines were designed around functional movements. The basic 3 exercises are bench press, squat, and deadlift, for some also the push press. Doing stuff like bicep curls and tricep push downs don't do anything for you functionally. And lat pull downs were mean't purely for looks, not use.

If you want to learn about real fitness, and how to lift weights to gain pure strength to drascically increase kicking and punching power and strength for grappling, go to crossfit.com or do ANY research on pavel tsatsouline.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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. i just want cut/toned arms,shoulders, and backmuscles. quote]

Capital Karate - this is the post I was answering . The workout that I posted along with the martial art 2 on the same page addresses what JLee posted .

If you wish to dicuss the benefits of powerlifting on striking power , I will be more than happy to take part if you start a new topic . :)

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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results being... size or strength? if it's size then you're on the wrong board, body building won't help worth crap for your ma training (and body builders are in THE worst shape of any fitness generalization). If it's strength without care of size, do a google search for olympic lifting, those guys are incredible, I've heard pro oly lifters are some of the fastest sprinters. Oly lifting would benefit incredibly with your ma training.

Actually, bodybuilders are in excellent physical shape. They have to be in great cardio shape, their reaction times are always in the top percentiles, they diet well... they are certainly not the worste shape of anything. (Leaving out the guys who juice and things like that.) Body building for SIZE isn't the best idea but it still gives you strength. Lifting for strength isn't the best for size, but you still get some.

Also- all sprinters these days lift to further strengthen their legs (and rest of their bodies), just like all boxers lift to strenghten everything.

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results being... size or strength? if it's size then you're on the wrong board, body building won't help worth crap for your ma training (and body builders are in THE worst shape of any fitness generalization). If it's strength without care of size, do a google search for olympic lifting, those guys are incredible, I've heard pro oly lifters are some of the fastest sprinters. Oly lifting would benefit incredibly with your ma training.

Actually, bodybuilders are in excellent physical shape. They have to be in great cardio shape, their reaction times are always in the top percentiles, they diet well... they are certainly not the worste shape of anything. (Leaving out the guys who juice and things like that.) Body building for SIZE isn't the best idea but it still gives you strength. Lifting for strength isn't the best for size, but you still get some.

Also- all sprinters these days lift to further strengthen their legs (and rest of their bodies), just like all boxers lift to strenghten everything.

Sorry but BODYBUILDERS (weightlifting lifting purly for looks, not performance. this is what the average guy wants to do when he lifts weights) *ARE* in horrible shape. They don't have to be in great cardio shape, they just have to be good enough at doing JUST enough cardio to lose fat but not muscle (the way they do this is mostly thruogh HIIT or circuit training but they do it as rarely as possible). And once they get to a certain point in their training where they don't want to increase muscle gain or increase fat loss then they do cardio maybe once a week or every two weeks.

And their diet.. to be short, is based purly upon whether they're cutting or bulking, they do eat rather healthily for the most part, but the only thing they're doing healthy diet wise is the quality of their food, everything else sucks. And when I said they are in the worst shape, I mean't that of professional/amateur athletes (I consider bodybuilding a sport) bodybuilders are in the worst of shape, but they're in much better shape compared to the average bum who might do SOME kind of exercise every two weeks.

Now if you're referring to bodybuilders as power lifters or olympic lifters, those guy are in great shape, they're doing functional weight lifting, the olympic lifters are some of the fastest sprinters out there. And a lot of powerlifters are in great cardio shape as well. So if you're referring to them, then you're right, they're good athletes.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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Where are you getting these ideas??? How do you define "horrible" shape? (By the way- the do plenty of cardio at certain times- the cutting stages. More than a powerlifter or olympic lifter does.) You think bodybuilders still aren't strong? I garuntee you if you take any bodybuilder (not counting the ones who have been juicing their brains out) and I'll bet you good money they'll have excellent blood pressure, lung capacity, cholesterol levels, and everything else. The ONLY time they're not healthy is right during competition when their bodyfat is too low and they are dehydrated. Other than that, they are in no less good of shape than any other professional athlete. (And the few days during competition aren't enough to do anything to them in the long run.)

They don't eat a healthy diet for the most part, they eat an incredibly healthy diet, period. They have to limit their fat intake, eat enough veggies and fruits to get ALL the essential minerals and vitamines, as well as essential fats, because if they didn't they wouldn't have a prayer at getting to the size they are. What do you mean "the quality" of their food is good- but "everything else sucks"? What sucks??? Just because they don't play a sport like baseball or fight in the ring doesn't mean they're in horrible shape. They're in different shape. A marathon runner is in different shape than a baseball player, just like that baseball player is in different shape than a boxer, who is in different shape than a bodybuilder; but saying any is in worse shape, let alone in horrible shape is just ridiculous.

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