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bouncing/Dynamic stretches?


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Nope it isn't!


Ballistic stretching uses the momentum of a moving body of limb to force it beyond its normal range of motion. Although closely related to dynamic stretching, ballistic stretching incorporates bouncing or jerky movements, using the momentum of the limb to spring back to the starting position ... like bouncing down repeatedly to touch toes. This type of stretch is not recommended because repeated activation of the stretch reflex causes muscles to tighten which can lead to injury.


Now dynamic stretching consists of controlled movement of the limbs, gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both. In dynamic stretching there is no bouncing or jerky movements. It uses slow, controlled leg swings, arm swings, torso twists, etc. Dynamic stretching can be performed prior to a workout in order to stretch those muscles which are to be used during the exercise session ... like Up Back and Overs, Jack and Jills, etc. Stretching should always be preceded by a warm-up. :nod:





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Never did me any harm, but then again I dont place a huge emphasis on stretching. I mean to the point where you can do a front kick and hit yourself in the butt. hehe


I never kick above the stomach although I can easy kick to the head. When I was young I liked all that 'showy' high kicks. Not into that now. Prefer to work with more practical tools.



7th Dan Chidokai

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I agree with everything that Kick Chick said. Dynamic stretching actually teaches your muscle groups to work togeather and more efficiently.


The muscles that normally tighten up to keep you from kicking higher learn to relax and stretch more when you control the lift of your legs instead of just flinging them up into the air. It's a process that takes a little while, but it's more more efficient than just swinging your leg up and causing tiny rips and tears that can eventually end up as a major injury. While balistic stretching shouldn't be practiced the same every day to allow your muscles to heal from the tears, dynamic stretching becomes more efficient the more often that you do it.


[ This Message was edited by: Cory Reynolds on 2002-02-15 12:07 ]

Wise man once said "he who has big mouth has much room for foot."

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Hi all,


Thanks for the replies, I kind of agree with what you saying.


But by definition with respect to the muscle what is actually happening?




Dynamic stretching, rapidly stretching the muscle til it reaches it's limit and reflex contraction occurs.


Doesn't this happen when you bounce?


Don't get me wrong, i'm not really arguing, i think bouncing is very bad and always advocate controlled stable strecthing, but purely by definition don't they have the same effect on your muscles?


Is it the Jerking which is bad?


Sorry for asking lots of questions, but it appears you have the answers and i am interested. Tho i can already do the splits etc,


Thank you



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::edit:: Edited by Bon

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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::edit:: Edited by Bon

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Okay guys i got it! (been doing some reading)


This was the answer i was looking for:


Dynamic stretchs are motion through full muscle range.


and bouncing is motion in the stretching phase.


Hence the muscle does not actually relax when bouncing and actuall tightens to prevent injury.


bouncing bad, dynamic stretching good!


Cheers guys





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