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Groin pull and I'm not happy about it!

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Went to the doctor today and was diagnosed with a groin pull.

Started really bothering me yesterday, to the point where it was difficult to walk. Its not so bad walking around the house with no shoes on, but when walking outside, it hurts more. First 4-5 steps are fine, then it gradually gets worse.

Before going to the doctor, I tried a few easy movements, like raising my knee/leg, which didn't seem to bother it.

The doctor says nothing strenuous for a week, but I've heard they can last much longer than that.

Anyone have any experience they can share?

I'm really bummed about it, as I was very happy with my training recently. My stamina and flexibility were improving, and I feel I was making strides in all areas. Weight training was going well also.

Now I've got at least a week of doing little or nothing. Hopefully not longer.

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Sorry about your injury! I feel your pain!

I pulled mine a few years ago...can't even pinpoint when. Anyway,mine felt ok,until I had to go up stairs or if I let my legs fall out to the sides...then it killed. It took me about 8 months to feel ok. I exercised very gently with gentle stretches also. I didn't train in MAs then,so I can't comment on that,but I can imagine it would be difficult.

Also,take into consideration every injury is different and everyone heals at a different rate.

Hope it feel better soon! :)

Kyo Sa Nim in KSW

Certified Personal Trainer

Health and Business Consultant

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Thanks... Mine is the same in that I have no idea what actually caused it. I've been working out everyday, and felt pretty much ok after Monday night's workout. Certainly no pain.

Even Tuesday morning it was fine for awhile. Then it started bothering me as I was walking. Bizarre.

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I pulled mine during a basketball open gym about two years ago... not fun, couldn't walk well for a while. A week recovery time... yeah, that sounds about right :)

Good luck recovering :up: (and don't try to come back, say for example, tommorow. :P Let it heal and come back 100% ;))

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Yeah, I already called my instructor to tell him I wouldn't be at class until next Wednesday at the earliest.

I can walk a little better today, but I know it would be foolish to try and do anything yet. Still, I'm getting antsy...

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I have been having the same problem. I don't know how or when I hurt it, but the last few months, it's (pain) been off and on. Walking doesn't hurt it. Just pivoting/turning quick, or if I let my leg drop to the side (laying down). Butterfly and v-stretches hurt now, too. I lost all flexibility on that side also :( For me, it's only on the left side (groin area).

Any advice would help me also.

Laurie F

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Sorry to hear about your injury :bawling: . I can say from experience that a groin pull is a terribly inconveinient injury , hurts alot too . Best not to rush it . Not saying to sit on your butt for months . Ice , heat and rest are the best in the begining . A good sports massage helps . When you feel up to it start back slow . A few good range of motion exercizes along with stretching (gentle at first ) was the way I got back . Took me about 2 weeks to get back to training and about 4 or 5 to get back to full speed .

While you are off you can still do some upper body stuff . I actually did some swimming . They have floats you can put between your legs and just use upper body .

Good luck and get well soon :D

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