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My 1,000th post thread.

Do the discussions that take place on this site have influence on your MA study?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Do the discussions that take place on this site have influence on your MA study?

    • Yes a lot!
    • Yes, moderately.
    • Only a little.
    • Not at all!
    • I'm not sure.

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Hi everibody,

As my 1000th post I would like to open a thread about how much this site has influence on your MA. Do you find that the discussion that are taking place in this forum are useful for your MA study?

For me the answer is Yes a lot.

When I was curious about Tai chi I opened a thread about it and that boosted my interest.I even ask via PM (to some selected KF members) opinion to my school. Or when I decided to switch from kickboxing to karate I opened a thread about some available karate style that hepled me to chose my karate style.

I'm looking forward to have your opinion.

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Italian_guy, congrads on your thousandth post. Pretty impressive. I don't think the forums play too much of a role in my daily life. I don't say that as a bad thing, I just have my own opinions about things and I like to just get other peoples opinions. It is nice to hear about where other people are coming from. I think the beauty of the forums is that everyone can express their own opinion about MA's and learn from one another without being judged. There is no right or wrong awnser,only an opinion. I also think that this site has become very successful in connecting so many different people from all over the world. A lot of friends have been made and martial arts connections as well. I think that for the most part, everyone seems honest with eachother and thats a rarity on the internet these days. There are so many people joining this site everyday and I think it will just continue to get bigger. This is a great site and I look forward everyday to replying to new and more interesting posts.

Why punch someone when their on the ground when you can just kick them

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I find it very useful in that it prompts me to look into new research topics, or review things I have looked at previously from a new perspective. For me, the Martial Arts have always had a very strong intellectual / conceptual aspect, which KF brings even more alive.

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice."


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I'm fairly new to this forum and I must say I love it. And yes it does influence my perception on martial arts and its different aspects. Knowing other people's opinions is great and I must say that this forum helps me continue Judo. I think it is easy to discourage oneself, but this time I believe I will keep practicing Judo for a long time, which I like a lot, and I have to say this forum will help me in my accomplishment of that.

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Being on KF has helped my MA study.

I've found out a lot of information from people on here about other martial arts (some of which I'd never heard of before visiting KF!).

Although there will always be views presented here that I do not agree with, the reason that I like this site so much is that people can share their views and information about martial arts with other of similar interest.

We may not all always agree with one another... but it is always interesting to hear what other people have to say and to learn from one another. :)

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I think it has helped me. Like everyone said here, I like KF, because everyone can give their honest opinion about their MA without arguing (for the most part .... except for the occational troll). There is a mix of MA's on here. I learned a lot about other arts on here. I even get help with TKD from non TKD martial artists. I think that is great. Everyone is willing to help everyone. Everyone is pretty much open-minded here.

It's not just Patrick that makes this site great with his hard work. I wanna thank the members, too, as well as Patrick :)

Ok, back to the question LOL. KF helped me though two schools (after moving to NY). I went to this school, quit, went to another one, then came back. But KF members helped me with advice through the whole thing. Now that I'm getting closer to BB, I'm sure I'll be popping more questions at you guys LOL.

Laurie F

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I find it very useful not just for dojo training but also about learning. The education factor on this site is quite high, and presented very well. I've learned more about other martial arts through this forum than I have reading some books.

I think I've gained a better appreciation for the martial arts as a whole, and learned to respect other styles and methods.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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