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I believe it is a common medical piece of knowledge that proteins (and an excess of) are deaminated in the liver i.e. broken down into amino acids and then excreted in the urine and I have read several times that taking in too much protein in the diet in the hope that one may put on muscle leads to almost all of it being excreted. Even worse, the body adapts to combusting proteins for energy instead of carbohydrates which is the norm for obtaining energy for respiration. I have been trying to put on weight since I was 15. I am almost 17 now and my physiology hasnt changed much. I am a lot stronger but my body is still very skinny and my arms are like sticks. I want to put on atleast some weight but due to my ethnic origin, rice is a big part of my diet. Surely stacking up on these carbs should cause me to put on weight. What am I doing wrong? I cant start lifting weights without having atleast some form of intake i.e. there is nothing on my body to create muscle out of. I am very stuck and really want to put on a bit more weight. I'd hate to think I am restricted by my genetics. I am very fit and athletic and can punch with most of my bodyweight behind my punch but i have reached the limit. I want to put on weight so I can pack more weight behind the punch and take out bigger people if need be. Please help me somebody. :-?

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"

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Also, i forgot to add. I have reached a weight of about 55Kg which is about right, if not a little underweight of what I should be. I should be atleast 60. I have done some research and noticed that most male teens are about 55 around 15 yrs of age (as was I, but i havent put on much weight since!!!) but then suddenly put on large quantities of mass to reach an average final mass of 70kg when they are 18. Considering Im almost 17 and am still under 60kg, has any1 got any tips for me? I find that I have a small appetitite...how can I increase appetitie and maybe eat so I can manipulate certain hormones like testosterone to aid my growth. I am a lot smaller than my friends. I used to be mor built but they have all put on weight while I havent.

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"


Please could someone advise me!!!

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"


The idea of excess protein being excreted is true BUT . . .


It can be avoided with high protein intake by changing the protein source, eating more often, and timing you protein intake.


Ther are types of protein you can take that are basically predigeted and can be absorbed readily. Specifically whey ISOLATES. These can be taken and almost entirely absorbed without loading the kidneys.


You need to make sure you buy HIGH QUALITY supplements. I always recommend buying from https://www.healthproinc.com for the following reasons.


1. Great customer service


2. Excellent pricing.


3. The company has many supplements independently tested and only sells high quality supplements


Since you are in England you'll ned to find a supplier there, but only order products carried by healthproinc.


Next- eat 6 times a day instead of 3. Second, timing is just s important as amount.


Take whey protein and carbs within 30 minutes of completeing your workout. Eat a high protein meal with carbs within the next 1.5 hours. This speeds healing and helps restore glycogen levels. Simple carbs with whey protein creates an insulin spike that promotes rapid and high levels of protein uptake in the muscle tissue.


https://www.ast-ss.com has lots of info on supplement timing on their site. I suggest you spend some time there.


AST also has a free weight training program called MaxOT that is extremely good at adding mass and strength. Sign up for it and follow their regimen.


Man you are a life saver thanks. I really appreciate your advice on supplements but i am a little loose on da money at the moment if u kno what i mean. I should eat 6 times a day. At the moment I eat barely twice. But getting meals 6 times a day when your at school and when its expensive is hard. Is it poss to put on weight healthily without lifting weights. I.e. just eating mor calories than u burn coz at the moment, i burn a LOT....i play a LOT of sport and also its heriditary to burn a lot for me.

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"

  KarateKid7 said:
Man you are a life saver thanks. I really appreciate your advice on supplements but i am a little loose on da money at the moment if u kno what i mean. I should eat 6 times a day. At the moment I eat barely twice.


Not good. You need to eat at least three times.



But getting meals 6 times a day when your at school and when its expensive is hard.


no it's not. eat cheap. salmon and tuna are loaded with protein, and they are always cheap in the grocery store. Stock up on both. you don't have to eat 6 full meals, you just want small snacks to keep the metabolism high. One thing you can do is substitute it with protein shakes. So, have breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then have a midmorning shake and a shake in the afternoon. at night, have something small and healthy like fruit. That is 6 small meals.


FWIW, you can gain mass off of three meals per day. the point behind six is that is keeps the metabolism higher. when the metabolism is boosted, you burn more fat. It also redulces your chances of gorging.



Is it poss to put on weight healthily without lifting weights. I.e. just eating mor calories than u burn coz at the moment, i burn a LOT....i play a LOT of sport and also its heriditary to burn a lot for me.


Not really... muscle is built, not created - especially in your case... you sound ectomorphic - what bodybuilders call "hard gainers" you can put on weight, but you must eat. and lift. alot. and even still, it will be hard. What is your current workout schedule?


IT consists of martial arts twice a week. Dumbells and free weights when I can...its nothing strcutured and organised....i used to do it regularly but I am in education at the moment and dont have as much time as I used to.

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"


give me more specifics about the weght training portion of your workout. To get big, you need to lift big. Let's see what you are currently doing, and we'll try to start sorting things from there.


I do bicep curls 8 repsx2 sets, bench press with dumbells 10repsx3 sets. And thats about it really. For legs, I practice kicking with weights on my legs and I do 2 sets of 5 with high weight and then take the weights off and do 1 set of 10 on each leg.

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"


Baring in mind i dont hav access to a gym

"Life is a journey, not a destination"

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless"

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do"

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