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Coffee before class?

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Sure, there's nothing wrong with that if you need it sometimes. Drink about TWO glasses of water per cup of coffee though, in addition to whatever more water you may need. Also, be wary of becoming dependant on it. If you're tempted to have more than two cups, probably getting too used to it.

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I don't know if it's good, but I certainly will have coffee or caffeinated soda a bit before class when work leaves me feeling run down. And, it does seem to help me concentrate and focus during class. I don't do it everyday, and I've also noticed that with too much caffeine, I feel really tired when it wears off, about 3-4 hours after I drink the soda/coffee. This doesn't seem to happen if I just consume a little less caffeine. So, lately, when I need a pick-me-up, I usually just drink a diet coke.... about half the caffeine of a cup of coffee, from what I understand.


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I take vitamins about 45 minutes before class... it helps me out a lot.

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilites, but in the expert's there are few."

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As a long time caffeine addict, now clean, I found that my training is better being chenical free. I sleep better too. I drink coffee now for the pleasure of the taste not the buzz.

If you need a pick-me-up before class, eat some complex carbs 30 munutes before class along with at least 8 oz water.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Your tiredness from work could be for many reasions. Perhaps not enough sleep, bad diet or stress?

Either way, if you are going to take anything before training, have a small glass of water 20 minutes before. Assuming you have a normal bladder.

I have been guilty of taking caffiene tablets years ago to get my sleepy mind right for training. I dont need to do that these days

7th Dan Chidokai

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Try some natural fruit juice, that has no refined sugar in it whatsoever. (gaterade is sugar with some water)mI used to drink 4 cups of coffee a day and I gave it up. Instead of coffee, I have fresh fruit and have lost 10 lbs and my energy level has went through the roof. Try to limit the coffee as it is a depressant and is counter productive for training. It really sucks at first but it will make you sleep better at night too.

On a side note, giving up coffee is a tough thing to do. You get pounding caffine headaches, and constant tierdness. What I did was I left about 1/4" of coffee in a cup at my desk for about 2 days and had a look at it when I had a craving. The coffee turned to sluge after 3 days, gross...emagine that flowing through your blood, heart, veins, brain and everywhere else in you body. I have not given coffee up completely, I have a glass a week now.

For the naysayers around this works because I lost 10 lbs and won major tournament

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class." Choi, Hong Hi ITF Founder

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Coffee will make you tired. It doesn't 'give you energy', it cannibalizes your reserves (which take several days to build up) and "gives you energy" by reducing blood flow to your brain and limbs. After a couple of hours you crash and are more tired than you would have been had you never picked up the caffiene to begin with.

I'd just go to class tired. I find it hard to believe that you will remain sleepy after your warmup and when you are practicing physical skills.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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On a side note, giving up coffee is a tough thing to do. You get pounding caffine headaches, and constant tierdness.
As an aside, the "caffiene headache" is reportedly caused by the blood vessels in your brain having to 'adapt' to having a non-reduced level of blood available to it. Kind've a disturbing thought, huh?

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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i dont drink coffe and dont plan to. ( i think the most ive had is a very small sip)

i remember going into a coffe shop once...the smell of the beans made me want to throw up.

"Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battle field."

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