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Your greatest achievement in the martial arts?

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I was in a car, and the driver took a wrong turn onto a highway that was a bridge (under construction), one lane both ways with a concrete divider, no way off for miles, and traffic backed up and not moving for miles. To top it off, the gas tank was hovering around empty. After about 2 hours, everyone in the car was angry and frustrated, but I was very calm, relaxed, and happy. To be so relaxed, happy, and able to let things go, when just a few years prior I was so full of anger I would go out looking for fights, is my best accomplishment. I owe it to meditation and martial arts.

Fetch Daddy's blue fright wig! I must be handsome when I unleash my rage.

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I know exactly what you mean...most things just slide off!


My greatest acheivement comes every time I go to class, or get promoted, or do anything that gains me even the least of praise. I was told by members of my family that I would never do it...EVER! Here I am.

When a man's fortunate time comes, he meets a good friend;

When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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well I haven't been involved in martial arts for very long but my greatest achievements so far would be getting my orange belt and competing in my first tournament.

your hands and feet are all the protection you need, you win some you loose some but you live to fight another day !!!

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Probably going back to karate last week! :lol:


I went for about a year and a half and totally loved it. I was totally obsessive about it, but when I started Uni I had too much work and too little time. I'm involved in lots of other stuff, too, and karate was really the only thing out of all my activities that I was in a position to give up. In my mind, I seen it as only a temporary thing, but the more weeks I missed, the more nervous I got at the thought of going back.


Everytime someone mentioned martial arts, or I seen something on TV etc. I'd get all down in the dumps and wish I was back. Last week I realised I'd been away for about a year and a half, and I realised that I really had no excuses this week...Uni was just finishing up for Easter and I'd got on top of all my work, so I went back to class.


I was sooooo terrified, and although my sensei and I were the first two people there, I didn't even talk to him 'cause he looked so much scarier than I remember him looking and I didn't reckon he'd recognise me. I'd invited a friend along for moral support, but she decided not to participate, so I ended up only doing a little bit of training and then sitting out with her 'cause she didn't look pleased that I was training and ignoring her, but I was soooo chuffed to get back at it, and I was suprised at how much I remembered and I realised just how much I'd missed it. And my Sensei did actually talk to me, so it seems he does remember me after all! Heehee :lol:


At the end of the night, my Sensei came over and shook my hand and I was so chuffed to be back and so excited and happy for finally stopping being a wimp and actually dragging my sorry butt back to class that I felt like just skipping out the hall! :lol:


Yeah, so as pathetic as that might seem, actually dragging my butt back to class after an 18 month absence was my greatest achievement to date.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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good for you.


i'm back after taking a 2 year break after previously traiing for 4 yrs.


i was nervous about starting up again, but since i graduated college and had the time, I figured why not go back to something i love.


good luck to you

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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My greatest achievement is starting karate, Im proud of myself. Competing will never bring me that kind of achievement. Though My mom and dad were proud when my hometown gave me a medal of beeing succesful athlete :D I got that since I was third in Shorinjiryu finnish championship. There were three participians, that`s way I really dont think it as a great achievement.

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