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Your greatest achievement in the martial arts?

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I agree with delli04 100%. Starting MA is one of THE greatest things I could have done for myself. However, my most recent achievement would have to be getting my first stripe on my new yellow belt (got the stripe last Saturday).


I have a whole list of great things, but won't get into them right now. :)


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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One of my most surprising MA moments came last night at Wing Chun when I was told by Sifu that he was promoting me to the next level. I was totally surprised and it was very unexpected. So, I'm now red sash level 2! :)


Contratulations aefibird! :up: :nod:


Not a particularly notewhorty achievement up to know. Just the enjoyment of training to get better and better and keep a good health, improving my self confidence.

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Being new in the MA world (4 months), I have a few moments to share even though they're not that significant. in no particular order:


1. as someone said, just starting a martial art at last. it has been on my mind for more than a decade.


2. getting my green stripe on my white belt (9th kyu)


3. beating a 8th kyu student (2 years of practice though) when i had only 2 months of experience. i was much more agressive and i beat him really clearly, 3-0 in point sparring. i won first place at that internal tournament.


4. last but not least, all the confidence i gained and the knowledge about meditation. for example, i can get in push up position with two fingers like bruce lee, which is 70% mental imo. what is amazing is that i can do it, but im not even in the best shape of my life (yet!). this shows how mentally strong i got, and i give all the credit to MAs.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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Keep it up !!!......never stop :-)

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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I've been proud of my first trophy, a 2nd place in kata, and of starting to teach, and of my black belt diploma which is in a nice frame.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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My best achievement was training in a BJJ class while in my forties when the next oldest student was in his late twenties. The workouts were very hard and they laughed :D when I came but I did everything that they did and they stopped laughing.


My greatest achievement has yet to come........

What works works

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