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Thrust kick


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how do you guys do with thrust kick when you are kicking someone that weights alot more than you and has big belly. Think if you are thrust kicking a sumo wrestler.


I was praticing my thrust kick, and find out it's kinda hard to really kick this type of guy with thrust kick. cuz I am able to kick them back like I was kicking somone about the same weight as I do or lighter than me, and it turns out I bounced back, and the kick become ineffective. Althought I didn't use the full power (it's just practice) but I can feel the impact is not right.


Am I doing something wrong??? or that's normal????

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Perhaps it is a combination of problems...


If you are too deep toward the target, Your kick will place but instead of an impact, it will push. If he is stable, the push goes into you. Don't try to hit so deep, perhaps.


If you are off balance, ie, leaning to far to the back, your impact will drive you further back. You must be driving in with your whole body, not just the foot.


And, also, a big belly can be very strong and flexible. I can use my belly to sorta 'catch' a kick and push it back if it has no snap. I know the thrust is a power - penetration kick but done with more snap and less depth, he might not to be able to do this, if it is what is happening.


Last of all, no matter the problm, aim off the belly just a bit to strike the qwa or linguinal (sp) crease, if it is imperative he go down, :evil grin:

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Depending on the degree of punishment you want to do , If the guy is a lot bigger than you ,instead of big belly you go for hip joint , rib cage ,or the tigh muscle ,providing the execution and technique is good ,it would do a hell of a damage! :brow:

never give up !

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haha. I do know what to do for the real damage (like kick in the knee and stuffs) in a real fight. Thanks for the suggestion thou.


However, let's just focus on the thrust kick, because I think it's good to know how we should use it against different type of opponent. I happend to find out it's kinda hard to use when against guys that are way heavier and has big belly.


Ted T. Thanks, I think your suggestion is really good. I think 1st, maybe because I was restraining myself not to use the full power, so speed wise it's kinda slow down, and the snap effect is not there. 2ndly, I also think I was too deep into the target, so my leg couldn't extended to where I can relase the energy out.


If others have more suggestion please fill in too. Thanks.

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how do you guys do with thrust kick when you are kicking someone that weights alot more than you and has big belly. Think if you are thrust kicking a sumo wrestler.


I was praticing my thrust kick, and find out it's kinda hard to really kick this type of guy with thrust kick. cuz I am able to kick them back like I was kicking somone about the same weight as I do or lighter than me, and it turns out I bounced back, and the kick become ineffective. Althought I didn't use the full power (it's just practice) but I can feel the impact is not right.


Am I doing something wrong??? or that's normal????

It appears obvious that you have discovered that the thrust kick does not work on everyone depending on build. If that is so, then it is about target placement for the kick, as it is with the execution of the kick. As another member has pointed out, the hip joint or how about below the gut around the pelvis area?? By changing the target slightly, you may discover that the kick will be just as effective as if you were kicking someone much smaller/thinner in size. Hope this makes sense :brow: :karate:


Mind of Mencia

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Actually Ted T. pretty much hit the nail on the head...


From what you describe, Two issues.


1. You focal point, or point of impact, is too deep into the opponent. Also, executing the kick too close to your target will give you the same result because you know at full extension you will end up deep in the target anyhow...


2. You are probably now bending your knee of the supporting foot when kicking. Not bending the knee will put all of your body's weight over the heel of the foot instead distributed over the middle of the supporting foot for best stability - thus pushing you backwards upon impact.


Just because they call it a "thrust" kick doesn't mean that you thrust the "oponent" backwards. It means only to thrust out the "leg." Impact of a thrust kick is just like a punch, gyaku zuki for example, you impact the target at the last nano-second of extension. Your distance to the target should be accordingly... A heavy bag is great practise for this.


- Killer -

how do you guys do with thrust kick when you are kicking someone that weights alot more than you and has big belly. Think if you are thrust kicking a sumo wrestler.


I was praticing my thrust kick, and find out it's kinda hard to really kick this type of guy with thrust kick. cuz I am able to kick them back like I was kicking somone about the same weight as I do or lighter than me, and it turns out I bounced back, and the kick become ineffective. Althought I didn't use the full power (it's just practice) but I can feel the impact is not right.


Am I doing something wrong??? or that's normal????

Mizu No Kokoro

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haha. I do know what to do for the real damage (like kick in the knee and stuffs) in a real fight. Thanks for the suggestion thou.


However, let's just focus on the thrust kick, because I think it's good to know how we should use it against different type of opponent. I happend to find out it's kinda hard to use when against guys that are way heavier and has big belly.


If others have more suggestion please fill in too. Thanks.


Sorry ! I don't quite understand what you are saying ,If you do know how to employ this kick to do real damage then the size of the opponent does not matter ! If your distance and timing is correct and your target area is picked accoardingly then you have no problem against bigger guys. :)

never give up !

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I sometimes practice this kick as a defensive kick. One scenario I like is when you are between cars, unlocking your car door and get rushed.


To simulate that, we have one student rush the other with a kicking shield, and the kicker kicks from a very natural stance.


To make this work, the size of the rusher and the speed must be calculated correctly or the kick is too soon or late or does not have enough body weight into it to stop the rush.


Most often the difficulties being experienced are of the type kzshin is experiencing - with momentum replacing belly size.

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