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How to meditate


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Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but how should one meditate. My class meditates for about 20 seconds before and after class but I want to do it on my own. How should I sit, breathe, etc? Thanks for any responses.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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Well , there are probably a million different ways to answer this question. The best answer I can give you is to start simple . Do what is most comfortable. You can sit in a staight back chair or on the floor or a mat , in sieza or aza . You can stand or lay down. You can move or not move.


I would suggest sitting in a straight chair. Just relax . Breathe. Let your eyes relax. Soften your gaze. Breathe. Follow your breath as you slowly inhale . Hold for a few seconds and then slowly exhale.

We are not so much individual beings as individual points of perception within one immense being.

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You need to find a quiet place and assume comfortable position to sit or lie in. (If you are sleepy you will meditate yourself to sleep) Close your eyes and see the number 20 in your minds eye, inhale and exhale, and see the number change to 19, inhale and exhale and see the number change to 18 and continue all the way to 1. Your mind will wander just bring it back to the number and continue. This will actually bring your mind to a still place.

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I find that no instructions are suitable for meditation, because it is different for each of us. You may follow the techniques of another only so far, and then you will find your own way, your own path to peace.


In that regard, what I do is to simply close my eyes and take slow, even breaths. I don't think about anything in particular, but whatever happens to cross my mind I just let come and go, flowing straight through.


I have heard it called "though streaming" as well, though I think that is a dubious description, because they are the flickerings of consciousness more than actual thoughts.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree that you should probably learn your own way but i guess ill tell you a way i calm my mind before meditation.


i use buddhist style breathing while doing this by the way.


first envision the #1 in your mind. Now breath in and when you breath out see the #1 in your mind change to the #2. and keep going to you reach about 50 or 30 by then your mind should calm and ready for meditation.


good luck with your training :wink:

don't fear the journey ahead, never look back, never look down.

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Meditation like anything else should have goals, i.e. something you are looking to gain from it. The learning of meditation goal may suffice for a week or so, but having long term goals will keep you meditating monthly, weekly, daily. I don't think its safe to assume you meditate to find peace, for me I would meditate to gain health and a more peaceful existence was a by product of that health.


Believe it or not there are quality meditations for sale that will teach you certain meditations for health and other goals. Remember that a high price doesn't mean high quality, the source of the material is a very important factor in deciding to buy a product. Only buy from the best and you will not be disappointed.

Check out https://www.tigerkungfu.com

For those interested in Health and Healing Meditations, check out the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung taught by Grandmaster Doo Wai, sold by Joel's Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu School.

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I try it sometimes....


Just imagening a place (personally I imagine a place in the mountains, covered in snow).


I started, and just thought of nothing, other times, I was memorizing some kata's and when I opened my eyes, it was 40 minutes later...

Run, don't walk....

Tae-Kwon-Do Pre-Black Belt

Assistant Instructor

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but how should one meditate. My class meditates for about 20 seconds before and after class but I want to do it on my own. How should I sit, breathe, etc? Thanks for any responses.


The purpose of the meditation before and after the training (at least in Shotokan) is "no mind". Don't think about anything, just clear your head. Mind like the moon. Breathing, seeing, perceiving touch, sound, etc. are all ignored.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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I usually slow down my breathing to only about half of the normal rate, and focus on the back of my eyelids. Feel yourself relaxing, get lost in the sancitity of your mind. You'll lose track of time, and when you awaken, you'll feel very relaxed. When meditating, it's usually a good idea to focus on absolutely everything, or absolutely nothing.

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