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Health Meditations: Have you heard of this one?


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I have just purchased a meditation called Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung level two and am excited to try it! I learned level one and it was awesome, so I'm expecting great things from level II. Does anyone have any experience with these meditations? Through my experiences with this Chi Kung, I have been able to sense energy and have no been sick this year! So if level II is more powerful I am very excited to learn it. Let me know what you think or what you've heard even!!

Check out https://www.tigerkungfu.com

For those interested in Health and Healing Meditations, check out the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung taught by Grandmaster Doo Wai, sold by Joel's Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu School.

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If you like those, then you should look into Earl Montegue.....He is a reknowned authority on Dim Mak, and internal chi gung styles of meditation.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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It is my understanding that Dim Mak can be used for health, but is mostly used for achieving the opposite and takes quite a while to get results. These meditations I found the results were immediate! and these are ONLY for Health! These meditations are super famous in China as it is widely known that the Emperors of China would do these meditations daily. Even Mao Zedong was televised on the international channel doing these meditations on a mountaintop back in 1996. I can't emphasize enough how immediate these effects are either! I don't know if there is anything out there that compare to these, but please feel free to recommend something. I have tried a great many things in my life and these are off the charts as far as immediate results:)

Check out https://www.tigerkungfu.com

For those interested in Health and Healing Meditations, check out the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung taught by Grandmaster Doo Wai, sold by Joel's Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu School.

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This is the story as translated by Grandmaster Doo Wai that has been passed down to him over the generations:


Taoist Monk Fung Doe Duk's "Fae Fung Sunn Gung." ("Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Meditations." )


It was the second Moon of the 17th year of the Barbarian Manchurian's invasion forcing the Chinese Ming Emperor in 1644 to commit suicide. It was a cloudy morning. Fung Doe Duk walked the dirt pathway in front of his Temple that led the Emei Mountain. There was bamboo growth among the trees and bushes lining both sides of this path. As he walked, he could see the Sacred Monkeys leaping up their trees. He could hear the birds sing, and he could feel the warm mountain breeze. Butterflies were dancing among the brightly colored flowers. As the Monk climbed the dirt path he arrived at his favorite spot among the trees. As he sat down on his large boulder he could see the clouds reaching for the mountain peaks. The monk began his preparations for meditation.


As the monk meditated, he felt a calmness spread throughout his body and suddenly he opened his eyes. As he stared into the clouds covering the mountain peaks he saw Heaven opening her door. The clouds parted and the Gods' Chairs of Gold and Silver were revealed. Suddenly, a Goddess sitting on her throne of gold floated towards this Monk. Fung Doe Duk dropped to his knees and prayed, demonstrating his faith to this goddess. The Goddess floated closer and closer as she glided towards him. Suddenly the Goddess' throne of gold vanished from beneath her and she stood in front of Fung Doe Duk. The Goddess was standing so close that he could see her feet in front of him.


The Goddess told the Monk not to be afraid because she was sent there by the Emperor of Heaven to select him as her Mandate. He was to learn a group of meditations called the Fae Fung Sunn Gung meditations. He was told that this group of meditations would greatly benefit the health of mankind. She also told him that these are sacred meditations, and it was not for everybody. She told him that people that were evil, sinful, or dishonest would be rejected by the meditations, and they will not be benefited by them. However, if the person were good, the meditations would provide them with Mystical Heavenly self-healing positive energies so powerful that if he or she has a terminal illness the meditations will teach that person's body how to heal itself. If the person is good, the meditations would not only heal them and provide them with perfect health, but it would allow them to have such positive energy within them that they could lay their hands on and heal others.


The Goddess explained to Fung Doe Duk that the human body is linked with the universe and every living thing on the Earth, including plants and animals and non-living things such as boulders, mountains, rocks, sand, and dirt. The clouds, skies, and the universe are linked to all of these things on Earth. Heaven provided us with the solution to perfect health and longevity within our universe, within the plants, animals, and minerals that we share on this Earth. The two fundamental terms in which the Chinese have understood the natural world are "Yin" and "Yang." Thinking in YinYang terms means analyzing the universe into pairs of fluidly interacting opposites, such as shadows and bright, decaying and growing, moonlit and sunlit, cold and hot, earthly and heavenly, or female and male. Whether a thing is classified as Yin or Yang depends not on its intrinsic nature but on the role it plays in relation to other things. In relation to Heaven, man may be classified as Yin, but when paired with Earth, he would be seen as Yang. Heaven itself is the supreme embodiment of the Yang aspects of the cosmos; Earth is seen as deeply Yin. Men and women are not seen as exclusively Yang or Yin, each has only a predominance of one aspect or the other, and balance within them and between them may change. The relation of the two elements of a Yin Yang pair is not a static one, but is thought of as a continuous cycle in which each tends to become dominant and responsive in turn. This idea may ultimately have derived from the Heaven's experience of day and night, and the annual cycle of growth and decay.


The Goddess continued to speak to the Monk, telling him that the more complex cycles of the meditations can be analyzed in terms of the Five Phases of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. These have sometimes been referred to as "elements that control our body's internal organs and their functions." The five phases could also be used to analyze the cycles of the season, the cycle of our body's Chi energy. The Taoist Monk Fung Doe Duk's Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Meditations is supposed to be the key that unlocks the energy within our body and subconsciously activates our inner mind to generate and balance the positive energy within our own body. The result is an illness free body with healthy, balanced, positive energy that enables its practitioners to use that energy to heal others.


The Goddess informed the Monk that the meditations were sacred Heavenly meditations and that he was to be very selective of whom he was to teach them. She reminded him that the meditations would reject those that are evil, sinful, or dishonest, and that only the pure would benefit from the mediations. Then, the Golden Chair reappeared under her, and she floated toward the Door in Heaven and as she entered, the door closed. According to Fung Doe Duk, he spent a day on the mountain, learning from and speaking with the Goddess, but when he returned to his Temple, he found out that 10 years had gone by.

Check out https://www.tigerkungfu.com

For those interested in Health and Healing Meditations, check out the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung taught by Grandmaster Doo Wai, sold by Joel's Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu School.

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wow, neat story.


i'm curious how the celestial destructive creature became associated with a healing so powerful?


are you associated with that hard iron palm coconut guy?

Ah! Mantis Grasshopper, i think you would do very nicely on a bowl of rice!

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Where do you get the idea that the heavenly Goddess was destructive?




Any being tasked by the Emperor of Heaven to do anything for the good of mankind is probably a pretty peaceful heavenly Goddess I would think:)


I don't have anything to do with the hard iron palm coconut guy. If you are referring to who I think you may be referring, I definitely have no association to him at all.


There are only two people I trust for information regarding White Tiger Kung Fu and that is Grandmaster Doo Wai and Sifu Joel Rizzo.

Check out https://www.tigerkungfu.com

For those interested in Health and Healing Meditations, check out the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Kung taught by Grandmaster Doo Wai, sold by Joel's Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu School.

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i was merely curious about how p'hoe-nix became associated with it in its name?

Ah! Mantis Grasshopper, i think you would do very nicely on a bowl of rice!

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I was under the impression that the phoenix, in chinese mythology, was a legendary creature signifiying luck and rebirth. That is why you see the phoenix in many paintings, scrolls, carvings. It is associated with good things, and considered good fung soy. It's also supposed to appear before an event kind of as an omen.


Here is an excerpt/explanation taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica if you're interested...


Chinese: “phoenix”) In Chinese mythology, a creature whose rare appearances portend a great event or indicate the greatness of a ruler.


So if the phoenix is considered luck/rebirth in chinese mythology, I think it's only fitting that it would be associated with the meditations BakFuPaiGuy is talking about (based on what he's said). If they're supposed to heal you and help you heal others...I would consider that a rebirth of sorts...not to mention the fact you would be incredibly lucky. So yeah...phoenix works, I think. :)


Course I could be wrong about my interpretation, but most of my chinese friends say phoenix means luck/rebirth...

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