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G'day all...this is my first ever post so I'm sorry if something similar has already been discussed. I've done a search but couldn't find anything to help me with my query.


I'm just curious but this is for the people who do(or know a bit about) Goju Ryu Karate and/or Wing Chun Kung Fu. Which one(for yourself) would you be most interested in and why? Weaknesses and strengths are what I'm looking for. What are they like in comparison to each other?


I'm quite new to the martial arts. I'm torn between these two styles mainly due to the distance from my house and I have quite a bit of interest for both. One is approx 45 minutes away and the other is within a 10 minute walking time. I know that this shouldn't be an issue but it's something I have to look into.


I really hope that this is the right forum section to post in.


Thanks for the help.

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I can give you my answer but is biased because I do Goju ryu and I know wing chun only from books and discussion done in this forum...


But ok, here it goes, Goju is quite a complete system it is mostly a striking art with quite some grappling in it, good for long and also for short range fighting, it has kicks, punches, open hand, elbow, knees strikes, grappling, locks and ground fighting. It is a traditional martial art (like wing chun), it has forms, maybe is not the fastest way to learn self defence but after a while becomes quite self-defence effective.


Anyhow my advice is, and I'm sure many people on this forum will agree, visit both schools see if you can have a free trial lesson, get a feeling of the art, of the quality of the teaching and the atmosphere you breath in both schools... what may be good for some people it may not be good for other people, go and see, and get your own personal answer to this question.


I would choose WC, but thats me you really need to check into it for you, because each person is looking for something different!

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!


I say goju but only if it is okinawan goju and it is a good school, ie the sensei has sort okinawan affiliation ie, jundokan, meibukan or shorei kan

Kisshu fushin oni te hotoke kokoro


Ok...thank you very much for the help. I've already checked out both classes and both schools are fantastic. Great atmosphere and a very helpful sifu/sensei. It just comes down to what I'm looking for really. So Wing Chun has alot of low kicking, centerline stiking and trapping moves whereas Goju Kyu is alot of striking and blocking with quite a bit of high kicking. If only there was a martial art that had a mix of both. Any ideas?


Take both then. :) Just joking, but not much since I'm currently training in 2 martial arts. And I think aefibird is already cross training WC with karate (ok she does shotokan but anyhow).


Why do you want to learn?


I would say you could fight with WC faster than Goju Ryu...although a lot of that may depend on the school.


I have tried various things and to be honest it's Wing Chun all the way for me.

"...or maybe you are carrying a large vicious dog in your pocket." -Scottnshelly


Why do I want to learn?


I suppose it's a matter of personal growth and a change of lifestyle. From what I've seen, the martial arts are good for the mind, body and spirit. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I know it's not something that'll be mastered in a month or two. However, I do know that it'll be something that I'll have to work hard for and I'm willing to do just that.


I'm leaning towards Wing Chun at the moment. It's a 30 - 45 minutes drive away but if I'm serious about this, it really shouldn't matter how far I have to travel.


Like you said you cant master it in a month or two, but once you get addicted to martial arts (normally takes around 2 months) then you enjoy the hardwork and dedication so much I cant even explain it. 30 - 40 minutes is worth it for a life changing activity like martial arts.


Good Luck and I think you will enjoy WC

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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