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I have recently started karate and enjoy it more than the rest of my life (no joke). I was just wondering why people start MAs and whether they still do it for the same reasons.


Just post why you started, how long ago, and why you still attend (or if so, why you no longer attend)



Practice more if you wanna pass that grading!

Brown (2th kyu) Trodai Karate, training for Black. Ready to become a Capoeirista once more.

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Why I started? - Son wanted to start playing sports and I didn't want to be the dad that stands on the sidelines. Had some friends that were black belts in Isshinryu so I thought karate would be a great way for me and my son to do something athletic together.


How long? - 2 years this week.


Why I still attend? - Really enjoy competing against myself and others to improve. Better shape - muscularly and cardiovascularly. Excellent instructors. Like knowing I am better able to defend myself and my family if need arises.

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Why I started: Well I always had wanted to do them but I had gotton into a fight while in the 10th grade and I barley won, it kind of scared me to know that I was the just the lucky one in that fight so I wanted to learn how to protect myself if I was ever faced with a situation like that again.


Why I still do it today: Same reason to be prepared, and then there is the whole becoming a martial art addict thing. I just love doing it and a major bonus is that it is great for your health in more ways than one.


Over 11 years ago I started training

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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Well, my friend is a brown belt black stripe. He offered that I join, so I went one class. Loved it. Been training for about 6 months now(just got my yellow belt). It's likea I found my lifes caling, my passion. Someday I wish to be a black belt and have my own studio.

Current: Yellow Belt in GojuRyu. White Belt in Kabudo.

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Why I started: Ive always had a passion for MAs even though I didnt do much of it when I was younger (thats another story). Im 20 now, senior in college. basketball, soccer got me fed up. I wanted something that could be the center of my life (or close). Doing goju also gives me numerous advantages for phisical to mental (confidence, flexibility, health, discipline and structure...).


Why im still in it: Well, its been 3 months. 3 great months. i actually want to know what i'll be getting into by the time im a black belt. i hope i'll look like my assistant sensei in the future. hes swift with a great balance between technique and power. i just love goju ryu.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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I started 6 months ago becuase i had to do a award called the duke of edinburgh award and I have now passed it now, i'm still doing it becuase it is my favourite thing in the world (my old hobbie was computers), but i have always loved martial arts since i was kid watching all those martial arts movies :D .

http://jedimc.tripod.com/ma.html - what MA do you do, this is my poll.
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I started about 3 months ago (going to test for 8th kyu on monday) and absolutely love it. Why I started? The blunt truth is... I have NO IDEA! :D I always had something back home to keep me in shape during the winter, and felt like trying something different this time around, now that I can (attending a big city university vs. small home town)


I really hadn't thought about this:

Really enjoy competing against myself


I like that quote... I'm used to playing a lot of golf, and I always loved just going out to our small course day after day during the summer and pushing myself to get better. Perhaps thats why I enjoy karate... the drive to get better personally... :idea:

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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HAHAHA! I enjoy golf myself, it's one thinkg I keep improving at, other than Karate. I started because a friend had been attending for 2 1/2 years, and said I would enjoy it. I tried it (nervously as hell) and loved every minute of it. I began to think of it more as a lifestyle and less of an activity, and so I love it with the passion I have now. I'm currently trying to induct my brother. But he's far too lazy! But there's still time. Everyone is now sick of my obsession!

Practice more if you wanna pass that grading!

Brown (2th kyu) Trodai Karate, training for Black. Ready to become a Capoeirista once more.

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I started because a friend of mine had recently started. She showed me her first kata that she'd just learned and I was hooked, so I went along to a training session with her.


5 years later I'm still training. It's an important part of my life - I couldn't imagine my life without MA training.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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