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Went to go to class today, and the lights were all off with a sign out front reading: "Tyson Martial Arts has been permanently closed. Thank you all students, past and present." This came as a complete surprise. I was just there attending class recently, although my sensei may have said something about it during the class I wasn't there last week. Anyways, this sucks. I trained there for 7 years. Now I'm going to have to search my town for another good dojo that teaches Goju-Ryu, with an instructor I like. I also intend to find out exactly why my sensei had to close.

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y'know, the same thing happened to me. never did find him again... good luck to you, though :)

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai


Wow, after 7 years of training with them you think they would atleast notify you about the closure.


Anyway, goodluck with your search for a new dojo.


Same thing happened at my dojo (ju-jitsu). The instructor left a note on the door explaining that the classes and his second job weren't generating enough funds, so he had to shut it down. After two years he opened another school a few streets down.

The greatest clarity is profound silence.


Man, that sucks. I woudl hope that the instructor could give his students some notice.


A similar thing happened to me but my instructor found another school for us to attend. It was way across town so some of us couldn't switch but those if us that did are stiill there. My original instructor still comes in and teaches a class every now and then and for testing.


I feel for you. I hope you can find a new place to go to soon!




"A Black Belt Is A White Belt That Never Quit"


Ak that's painful, good luck Akira13


Running a school is tough. As a school owner I would have definitely let my students know I was closing. I am sorry for your personal loss, but I can understand the financial & time hardship there is for running a school.


Good luck in finding another school!


Sorry to hear that Akira13. :(


I hope that you manage to find a new MA club that you like.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!


I phoned my Sensei today and he said he was forced to shut down because he hadn't had enough new enrollment recently to maintain the place. He also said he had gfiven everyone notice last week. (When I wasn't there.) Anyways, I have a lot of good memories from there, and I'll always remember it as the Dojno at which I started off my MA career.

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