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O-Sensei Ueshiba Morihei...invisible?

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I've been doing a little reading on invisibilty, moving steathily and the likes in a book called Shadowhand by Dr. Haha Lung (highly recommended by me).


In listing some accounts of invisibility and the way to obtain it, he mentioned that O-Sensei Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of Aikido, was known to be able to go invisible in front of an audience at will.


I've never heard much about this guy, but if this is true, i would really like to read more about him.


has anyone heard of people becoming invisible at will or other super powers of O-Sensei Ueshiba Morihei?



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Never heard of that; could be an embellishment of his ability. Quite often his students would be dumfounded by the fact in the middle of a full frontal attack towards Ueshiba the would find that he had ‘disappeared’ from in front of them only to ‘reappear’ behind them ready for the next attack or throwing them with some type of ‘kokyu-nage’.


On a side note, Ueshiba did claim that his survival in the war was due to the fact that he could 'see the bullets coming' and was able to get out of the way of enemy fire. I read accounts of him charging onward on the battlefield unscathed while his comrades dropped like flies. Could be he had an innate sense of battle and could intuitively move through the best or safest course. Don't know if I'd go as far as to say he could dodge bullets. A Google will give you plenty of info and stories about him.

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Invisible?... I find this a little hard to belive, there are always legends about those old masters but this is a little too much....

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Invisible? :roll: Yet another God-like story starting about the old masters. As others have stated...more likely being in one spot when an attack comes, shifting the body (turning "invisible") so that you're not there any more, and then attacking your opponent form a different position. He did NOT actually disappear! People that perpetuate this sort of nonsense need to be smacked briskly about the head and shoulders.

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wait you forget,


this time it's an amazing tale about a guy who effectively fell into a mystic cult.....

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Im invisible.....look.....you cant see me now can ya ?......HA !!!.......told ya......


Seriously though.......like Shorinryu sensei said......the old masters didnt turn invisible for cryin' out loud....they just moved so fluidly and evasivly that it just seemed that way......


POOF !!!!


See......I just did it again......


POOF !!!!......


Im back now......



~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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I have read that book too and I remember the part you are talking about and while I am in agreement with everyone else about actually turning invisible earlier in the book it talks about being inconspicous to the point where people hardly notice you at all this type of trainning goes on at the CIA, they have to a point where even trying to remember one of thier operatives faces is almost all but futile. While it certainly isn't invisible it is the next best thing

Kisshu fushin oni te hotoke kokoro

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Talking about invisibility. Ninjas (the real ones) had a bunch of tricks to deceive enemies when they were on mission. Like ways to leave foot prints so that it seems you are going in two directions at same time, follow shadows, or more direct combat aplication where you use odd angles or objects (throwing sand) or more directly sticking a finger in one of your opponents eye and moving on his new blind side.


Some of my favorite ones from the book "The Grandmaster's book of ninja training" by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi:

The ninja can use a sword to dazzle and disconcert an attacker who is abou to draw his sword, or is advancing to attack. It was important in more senses than one for the ninja to be in the shadow of his sword--perhaps one of the reasons for his nickname kage, or shadow. Use of both the d ark and the light reflecting aspects of his weapons is part of the ninja's arts of deception and surprise.


Then you see a picture of Hatsumi drawing his sword facing the sun to reflect light and "dazzle" the opponent...


Or again the technique of concealment named muton yuho, or the taijutsu of moving about in the mist...


Dunno if these things actually work but sure is funny.

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