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getting lean on starvation diet.


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k4, you and I have already had this discussion...


I haven't read this whole thread yet, but in a nutshell, here's what happens when you starve yourself:


the body requires a certain caloric intake for daily maintenance. When these needs are not met, the body basically says "holy crap, I'm starving!" and goes into conservation mode. When this happens, your body finds ways of using calories more efficiently. The first way of doing this is by getting rid of muslce tissue because muscle consumes more calories than fat. Next, the fat cells begin to split. That is why some people go on diets and GAIN weight.


To lose weight, you don't wanna starve. cut your calories by a small amount. Then workout to burn the rest. So, if you cut your caloric intake by 500 calories and burn at least 500 while you are training, then you are burining 1,000 calories per day. That equates to almost two pounds per week - it's not recommended that you lose at a rate faster than 2-3 punds per week anyway, so that would be great.

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the topic of this thread is somewhat misleading.


*let me clarify that i have no intention of starving myself.*


i was taking into consideration that if it is possible


to gain muscle and become lean


(i read that in a martial arts biography about the little dragon himself)while going through starvation,


i wanted to use that principle to become leaner myself by


NOT starving myself but by drastically reducing my calorie intake to about half of what i normally consume, just till i see results. as the book states, fitness is about dicipline, if you reduce your normal fuel intake by half, yet you are physically pushing yourself fully, could that not give your body the dicipline required to achieve results that are extremly difficult to achieve, normally?


keep in mind that i am a fit person already.




This thread is a hypothetical question about one of the million things written about fat loss and muscle gain which make it into print everyday.


There is no proof that such a method is safe or will result in fat loss or muscle gain. Please do not starve yourself!

Yes, I can wear this while doing karate.

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