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cardio for 30 minutes - how on earth ...


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After I've been running 10 minutes or so without stopping, I've already gone a mile or so and can't go any longer. I haven't a clue how you're supposed to do it 30 minutes. Any lighter aerobic/cardio exercises for the other 20 minutes? o.o

"I like the idea of repeatedly sticking my knee in someone's face without threat of lawsuit." - me

Start mma training soon. (bjj, muay thai, boxing)

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well, personally, i'd just make the run longer. y'know, slow it down. generally the reason people can't go any longer is because something starts to hurt and they don't tough it out and just stop. make sure you're running with good form, and, well, tough it out. i've also become fond of jumping rope in recent days.


and, i'm not sure what style you do or if they have forms or not, but if you have a few of them try working those out, one after the other, or the same one a few times. it can get a bit tiring after awhile.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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I hate to say it and dont blow it off too quickly, but Tae Bo is a helluva workout for cardio. I'm considering getting back into class soon and i've been doing Tae Bo for a while now to get into decent shape. It's a solid hour and even the participants on the tape are about ready to barf.

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Nobody runs 6 miles on their first day. Heck... some people never run 6 miles. Just keep running... if you have a sidestitch, or you feel like you are having chest tightness, understand that unless you have a condition you are fine and you should just keep running until the pain makes you fall over on the ground. Or, a little before then. But don't stop completely! Keep walking, jogging, whatever! Heres a great way: If you want to run a mile, run one mile away from home, and then you have no choice but to go back. You can't just sit there in pain till the sun goes down can you?


Incorporate some sprints too, and make sure you're warmed up, and don't forget cooling down! Oh, and running gets boring. It's the best thing for you, but it does get old. So swimming, Thai pads, shadowboxing, jumprope, those are all great things to do when running just isn't going to happen someday.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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Thanks for the replies! :) It's usually more a matter of general windedness then pain that gets me to stop. (Drinking some water or just clenching them realy hard helps remove the rib pain.) I like the idea about running away from home. Thanks. I suppose when I get too tired to run anymore, I can just walk for a while like suggested, too.

"I like the idea of repeatedly sticking my knee in someone's face without threat of lawsuit." - me

Start mma training soon. (bjj, muay thai, boxing)

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yeah, unless you have a condition, there's no reason why you can't run 30 minutes. just take it slower if you can't make it at first, there's nothing wrong with starting slow. just remember to pick up the pace as you go.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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I hate to say it and dont blow it off too quickly, but Tae Bo is a helluva workout for cardio. I'm considering getting back into class soon and i've been doing Tae Bo for a while now to get into decent shape. It's a solid hour and even the participants on the tape are about ready to barf.

You said it man! Heck, even Power 90's sweat routine is excellent. Don't knock the DVD products, some offer excellent cardio you can do in your own living room. The best way to run without burning out in 10 minutes is this:


Run 2 minutes, walk 2. Alternate this intil you hit 30 minutes.


Another week, run 3 mins, walk 2. Do this 6 times.


Keep upping it gradually as you feel better until you are running for 30 straight. It can be done, but you have to WORK UP TO IT. The #1 reason many workout programs fail? People jump into them too fast, get hurt, get worn out, then quit. You'll stick with it longer if you take it easy to start, then work up to it.

Mixed Martial Artist

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Don't worry, I am a Cross Country runner, and I used to have asthma, so I could not run a mile when I started. Just run as far as you can, and add 1 minute each week. So on week 1 you could run ten minutes, and week two run 11 ect.


Once you can run 5 miles nonstop, try to get your 5 mile time down, because you don't really need to worry about longer distances. When you reach this level, I suggest HIIT for lactate threshold and long runs of 8 miles for VO2 max.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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