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Should your skills in one art transfer to another?

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Well, I can't apply any of my TKD skills to my Kung Fu. I say this because I was tought sloppily in TKD and my new instructor is much better and much more personal in the training. I do, however, think that much of my Kung Fu would be useful if I were taking TKD.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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either she hasn't been truthful or she is a product of a belt factory


I agree with that too. I think that even if kicking tecniques may be somehow different from a MA to another (e.g. kicking in Tai chi chuan is completely different than in Goju which is still somehow different then in kickboxing) if someone has practiced leg strenght and flexibility in one art it should not appear sloppy even if the tecnique changes.

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Well, since you've only done 1 martial art it's hard to judge :-? The crossover from 1 MA to another can be pretty hard. Example: The punches, kicks and stances I learned in shotokan were useless in everything else I took. The kicks I learned in TKD had to be drilled out of me in Muy Thai. To the guys in those dojos I looked pretty crappy :bawling: Again this is where hard contact MA's have another advantage. If u can land the technique and it hurts your opponent it's a good technique. :kaioken: U cant' judge this on bags or pads but only against a live opponent. Example: a spinning roundhouse is a good technique for TKD tournaments but suicide in the MT ring. Fight her and then judge. :o


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Don't skills you develop in one MA help you in other forms?

It depends on the skills in question. I can walk into most any art and imitate what they are doing unless it's a physical issue (I can't do a 720 flying kick because I don't have the gymnastic skills). I see this is most advanced martial artists I interact with.

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I'm going with most of the others on this one, either she is not telling you the truth or she's from one of THOSE schools

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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