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About how long till i see result?


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hey, I've been doing my workout for a week now and i was wanting to know about how long do you think it will take till i see some good results? i know it only being a week into it i won't really see anything so i'm not disguraged but i would still like to know about how much longer and if this is a good work out. this is my stats


15 year old male 170 lb.


my routine is




-100 bench press ( i have the bar set to weight of 55. i do 15 wide grip and then with not stopping 15 close grip. min break. 20 wide grip. min break. 20 close grip. min break. 15 wide. break. 15 close.


- 30 mins on the bike


-3 sets of 10 reps with each arm for curling ( about 25 pounds. 10 right arm, 10 left arm 10 right 10 left....get it?)


-2 sets of 10 reps doing hammer (new exersize i learned. put a hand towle through the holes in you weights and grab it and life up and down like a hammer. the weight is 20 lbs. great forarm workout)


-50 bench press (same as above but with 15 wide, 15 close, 10 wide, 10 close)


-abs (yesterday i started doing 8 min abs. before that i was just doing regular crunches and the lift crunches for your lower stomache)


then to give my chest and arms a rest, the next day i do


-30 min on bike


-lifts on the bench (lay on bench and use the leg attachment. weight is 40 i believe. 20 front, flip over, 20 back. go until legs tired)


-calf rises. 50


- squats. 50 with 40 lbs


i think thats it


i do this everday a week, switching back and forth. i'm starting t see results on my arms already but not any in my stomache. thanks for any info and for any critiquing (wow...i'm a bad speller...) sorry for so much typing.

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If all that is new to you, you should see some results in about a month. Unless you're already lean, you won't see too much result in the abdominal area until your body fat percentage is quite low... I've heard around 7 or 8% for men to see abdominal muscles.

Rank: Low-Black

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Oh and I'll add that you don't really need to do 100 bench press... you'll get better results for bulk and strength if you lift a weight you can only lift about 6-8 times for 2 sets. You should use a spotter for this, too.


I would also recommend adding triceps if you're working your biceps and forearms. You can take a dumbell, hold one end of it and lift it over your head. With your elbows tucked right up side your head (pointing upward) lower the weight down to behind your neck so that your arms are at about 90 degrees, lift back up (keeping your elbows tight to the side of your head).

Rank: Low-Black

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I wouldnt reccomend adding weight since you are only 15. I dont even reccomend trying to buff up. From personal experience, I would tell you to actually stay OFF the machines. Pushups , situps , crunches , squats , jumping, and a cheap 2 dolland hand grip, all you need. Pushups - Biceps, triceps, lower back, chest, stomach, legs. Situps/Crunches - Lower/middle/higher abs. Squats - Legs(this is the master exercise), Hand grip - forearms, hands. Jumping - Overal calorie burn, good for losing weight, also helps your muscles between ankle and knee, gives you stronger ankles and feet. Thats how you target all major muscles with no need of machinery. Ive seen people who can bench 200 lbs but cant do 10 pushups. Ive seen people that squat 100lbs but cant jump for a straight minute.


I however, do support light (10-30lbs) loose weights.


Id reccomend running instead of using bike, but run with shoes on the beach, make sure your shoes are not worn out, as shoes can absorb shock.


It dosnt matter how hard you train, itll take you about 2-3 months to start seeing the results you now desire.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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You also need to add some back exercises. You can break it up so that you do chest, shoulders and triceps one day, then back and biceps the next. Then do all your leg exercises on day 3. Take a rest day and then start again. Abs can be done every day if you like and cardio 4-5 times a week.

Res firma, mitescere nescit

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If your goal is getting cut, perhaps some Cyclical Ketosis Dieting and High Intensity Interval Training is what you need. Check out bodybuilding.com for lots of cool stuff.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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