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is there a difference between say doing,


bench press 2 sets 5 reps


barbell row 2 sets 5 reps




bench press 1 set 5 reps


barbell 1 set 5 reps


then repeat


I find the second one produces a better workout.


Any thoughts or the differnces etc? :-?

"Best there is, Best there was, Best there ever will be"

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The second is called circuit training. Pick several exercises that work unrelated muscle groups, and do one set of each exercise with no rest in between, and repeat until you have the required sets done. This will elevate the heart rate, get the workout done quicker, and (if you have enough different exercises) the muscles will still get enough rest in between sets to lift maximally.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.


it also depend whether you want to merely tone or if you want to build muscle.


With your first one, you must use heavy weights with a very short break between reps and then go for it. This will help you build.


With the second one (circuit as per Radok) you will use lighter weights and will do your reps faster with an equally short break inbetween reps.


I would suggest you do 3 sets of 10-15 reps if you want to gain maximum benefit and let 48 hours elapse before training the same muscle group (on building). So you will have a 3 day training programme then.

"You do not truly know someone until you fight him." - Seraph

"To be the best, you must be the best." - Me


I don't see why you have to use lighter weight if you are alternating excersizes. If your goal is strength, then 5-7 reps is a good range. Add the 10-15 rep sets in addition to the low rep stuff if you want full hypertrophy and endourance.

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

  daryldolittle said:
is there a difference between say doing,


bench press 2 sets 5 reps


barbell row 2 sets 5 reps




bench press 1 set 5 reps


barbell 1 set 5 reps


then repeat


I find the second one produces a better workout.


Any thoughts or the differnces etc? :-?


Define better.


I would do (3-6)x5 over 2x5, and 2x5 over any circuit training, any day. But, that's my 'better'.

  Jerry said:
it also depend whether you want to merely tone or if you want to build muscle.


technically, there's no such thing as tone...

  daryldolittle said:
is there a difference between say doing,


bench press 2 sets 5 reps


barbell row 2 sets 5 reps




bench press 1 set 5 reps


barbell 1 set 5 reps


then repeat


I find the second one produces a better workout.


Any thoughts or the differnces etc? :-?


if you are only doing 5 reps, I'm assuming you're lifting heavy weight. they will both build strength. What will make a difference here is rest period.


it can be better unless you get too tired to do your muscles' maximum potential when lifting. that is, if by your last set of rows youre too exausted from the nonstop lifting to lift what you coud if you werent circuit training, those muscles are getting cheated a better workout.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."



WhiteBelt, by "better" i mean it feels like that workout worked the muslce harder,


I do Use heavish weights, and my goal is strength/muscle bulk,


Also by doin the Circuit method as Radok puts it i feel fresher afterwards. Which acoording to many books and articles i have read it the goal of strength training.

"Best there is, Best there was, Best there ever will be"


I posted a very detailed explanation in the "weightlifting for martial arts" thread.....check it out, as it will be very helpful in answering your question.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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