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Very messed up article on martial arts!

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I got a kick out of his remarks regarding the sparring between boys and girls and how it was teaching them to be sexist. I guess by his definition, I should refuse to teach people of other races because if I have an African-American, and a white guy spar, I'll be promoting the KKK or something. I'll get an articale written about me..."They already run around in their white pajamas, now all they need is the hood"


I don't know anything about this school that he wrote about, but I can at least say that the article didn't have any notion of being journalistic. Opinionated, narrow-minded, and completely one-sided.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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The article is a mixture of complete stupidity with little truth inside.


The little truth is that probably Cobra-kai (from the movie Karate kid) style dojo really exist; but they are very rare... places where people were abused exist but they are also rare.


The rest is completely stupid, I recently sign up my kid to a karate school, he loves it and I'm glad, now me and my son have some passion to share, even if he is in a different style ( It's shotokan) we enjoy training togheter at home.


Sparring between female child and male child has nothing wrong, the difference in strenght between a male and a female child is much less that between adults. The person who wrote this article has no knoledge of martial art at all he totally does not know what he's talking about. What is probably wants to do is using very few bad true cases to give martial art a bad reputation.


Unfortunately there are people thinking that everithing which is connected to martial values is bad, they want a world (should I say a western wolrd) weak in spirit and mind, and also someting completely utopic (fighting will always exist, in various forms but it always will exist), they say they want


peace but the only peace they like is the peace of cemetery.

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Whenever I read things like this, I really just want to a: break down and cry, and b: give up completely on the human race.


No doubt there are bad, abusive schools/dojo's out there, and they need to be ratted out and shut-down. But to take such a sensational, extremist, attitude towards an entire group of people because of one school just blows my mind.


On the one hand, we need to ignore people like this because it is obviously just slanderous ranting. On the other hand, extreme views such as this can be contaigious, and so we need to keep an eye out for stuff like this so we can be prepared to defend future attempts to restrict our behavior.



- "Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." Benjamin Franklin

-"If you always do what you've always done you'll always be what you've always been." Dale Carnegie

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I was just thinking about this topic again and it just gets me. :o

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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I wonder if "Dean Sullivan- writer of the article" has even tried a martial art. I see structure, discipline and exercise in a controlled atmosphere. This guy is a fear mongerer and people should just stop reading his slanted written material.

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class." Choi, Hong Hi ITF Founder

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He's an idiot plain and simple. Extremists are like whiney childeren complain and complain untill they get what they want, never trying to understand the other side, and never comming up with a solution.

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This is indeed an unfortunate view of the martial arts cummunity to say the least, sort of reminiscent of the christian right. But I would think that most people reading it have the intelligence or experience with the martial arts at least on some vague level to seperate the truth from the bunk. I know that in my original School there was a large childrens class that i would often see finish up right before the adult class, and those kids were some of the spunkiest most fearless 8 year olds ( male and female) that i've ever met. And many of the parents started lessons along side them in the adult class to see what it was about.


I think that anyone who has enrolled their children in a good school, with a teacher who can relate well to children will see the benefits of the training plainly and quickly. or at least we can hope. :)

"I once thought that life was a mixed bag, now I know it's just a bag of all"

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How in the world is this reminiscent of the Christian right? Please give an example rather than just a statement...


I think he's referring to the hard core Christian Right that thinks Harry Potter is encouraging children to become Satanists, that playing Dungeons and Dragons will corrupt your soul, that dancing and rock music are the tools of the devil, etc....

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exactly TangSooGuy, sorry if i offended - I was just refferring to the extreme right that tends to jump down the throats of just about everything.

"I once thought that life was a mixed bag, now I know it's just a bag of all"

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