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Greetings fellow fighters *salutes*


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Hi everybody! How is everybody doing?


Well its true....I am a nebie*sweatdrop*


My name is Wesley :evil: ...I am 16 years old and I have been training in martial arts since I was about 9...I haven't taken that many lessons I just mainly train myself :karate: ....Don't get me wrong I have taken some lessons, and I watch alot of training videos and stuff like that, but for the most part I just train myself.....One day I hope to invent my own form of martial arts 8)


I love watching anime...I am a member of an anime forum somewhat similar to this one.....Anybody out there enjoy Japanese animation as much as I do?...Some of my favorites include...Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Kenshin, DBZ, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Hellsing, 3x3 Eyes, and Fushigi Yugi....I could go on...I love them all I guess...


Umm......I am fascinated with philosophy, and Mythology...stuff like that.....I am a seeker of truth and love...forever searching for that one special person which it seems I can never find :bawling:


Lets see...what else can I say?...I play the guitar :) ...Thats the only thing I have stuck with longer than martial arts...I have been playing since I was 7...I am also an Artist!...Not a very good one though*sweatdrop* ....Oh! And I play chess :brow:


Yeah...and I guess thats me....


So welcome me to the forums and leave me something cool!...or else...Muhahahaha :evil:

"One may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, yet he is the best of conquerors who conquers himself"

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Welcome, vitasama! There are some decent threads here about self-training, although I personally wouldn't give up my time in the dojo.


And don't get me started on chess. Everyone tells me I play really well, but I never seem to win. I think people are just being nice. :-)


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

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I can't say I am a fan of Japanese animation, but the style of their animation is certainly different, and it can be interesting to watch from time to time.


At 16, I think you might have a while to go before many people would take your claim of searching for the special someone "forever", but I wish you luck in your continued search.


I too play the guitar, but those war stories are for another forum.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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solar_kid: Thanks for welcoming me to the forum 8) ...Ahh so there are threads dedicated to self training? I will have to check those out sometime^_^...Yeah I would love spending time in a dojo, but there aren't any around here :(


About the whole chess thing...I have been playing for a few years...I am the top ranked player in the school :brow: ... And I have actually played the top rank player under the age of 18 in the state...I came so close to winning, but in the end he got me :bawling: ...So if you ever want any tips on the game just send me a PM...I would love to help you :karate:


foreveryoung001: Thanks for welcoming me to the forum^^...Yes Japanese animation is very unique and can be interesting to watch from time to time...Well for me it's interesting all of the time :P ...I love anime...Couldn't live without it :lol:


About that whole searching for love thing...I am only 16...So it's true that I still have a long way to go before I should really worry about it....The thing is...I may only be 16, but I have experienced more things in this life related to love than the average person would in 200 years....so yeah...Thanks for wishing me luck :)


gheinisch: Thanks for welcoming me to the forum^_^

"One may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, yet he is the best of conquerors who conquers himself"

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Hey vitasama, its me Tom, from anipike! I figured I'd use this thread for my intro since you where the one who introduced me to this site.


Anyway, My name is Tom, I do Hapkido, I too am a fan of anime and my chess game could use many pointers.

Robot Humor:

Two robots walk into a drinking establishment and DESTROY ALL HUMANS!!!

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Whoa Tom is here :karate: ...It's really great to have you here...Hopefully I won't feel quite so wierd now...you know...not knowing anybody...yeah :o


I am thinking of creating some threads here that are on anipike...like some of the word games :brow: ...so yeah that should be fun!


Oh! and Tom...I would love to help you with your chess game...feel free to pm me anytime about it..either here or at the pike...


Thanks to everybody else who has welcomed me 8)

"One may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, yet he is the best of conquerors who conquers himself"

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