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Sleeping just after weightlifiting


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Like most of us we all have a busy routine, inolving work/college during the day and a balance of more homework or other chours in the house during the night. So its always difficult finding time to train during a normal working weekday. I always try to weight lift at least three times a week yet the only real time i can find to do this is at around 11pm between 1 -am, after the weight lifting session i will probably cool down for about on hour and then go to sleep. Here is the problem though, I TRY TO GO TO SLEEP, i have noticed that me trying to sleep within about 2 hours after weight lifting pretty much doesnt happen at all. I will likely wake up at 4/5 am, or go to sleep at that time and wake with an intense headache. Its really frustrating as sleep is very important when you do weight lift and its just so annoying when I cannot get any when I do. Is there a reason why I can sleep after I weight lift and should I think about moving my training session earlier in the day??, if so, how early should I think about doing it?.


Thanks for your time



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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Yeh theres a big reason why you can't sleep, your bodys still active. WHen you weight lift your bodies pushing blood around to the tissue your tearing, and this blood continues to move for a while afterwards. When yuor going to sleep your body slows itself down, giving itself a break.

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Well, it's obvious that the weightlifting is affecting your ability to sleep, so if possible, try to move your lifting sessions to earlier in the day - try getting up earlier so that you can train in the morning instead of at night.


However, if you can't lift at any other time, then try relaxation exercises and breathing techniques to help you sleep, or have a short meditation session before bed. Having a relaxing bath with a calming fragrance (such as lavendar, chamomile or sandlewood) might help too.

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My doctor, physical therapist, and fitness trainer all recommended not to exercise at least 4 hours before going to sleep. Also, not to eat carbohydrate-heavy foods at least 6 hours before going to sleep. Need a late night snack? Go for protein-foods that are low on sugar.

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lifting weights or other strenuous activites gets your body in a state of activity. your metabolism and pulse is up, your adrenaline is pumping... youd probably have more luck getting to sleep after drinking a cup or two of coffee.

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I agree here. I am in the same predicament as you- I lift around 8 or 9 pm and hit the sack at around 11 pm. I usually don't have much of a problem falling asleep, however. After my cool down, I drink a light protein shake and a glass of water. This stems the headache. I think you may be gettiing the headaches since you are not properly hydrating before nighty-night. Your muscles need water to repair themselves, which is what they are doing while you sleep. If they run out of water, they zap it from other areas of your body which causes a "hangover" like headache. Hence, DEHYDRATION. Drink lots of water before bed and if you wake up, down a glass too. As far as being wound up and not able to sleep, try just sitting around and relaxing for at least an hour before bed. Take a nice warm shower right before bed and give that a try. It always works for me.

Mixed Martial Artist

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