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I've been looking at my 'nutritional needs' lately and trying to decide what I need and how I can get what I need. One of the things that came to my mind was milk (cow's milk, specifically). I did a few searches on google and came up with a number of articles both which either were saying milk was bad or milk is great. I couldn't discern between the credibility between either of the articles since I'm nowhere near to being a doctor, biologist or nutritionist.


What do you guys, those that are more knowledgable than me on this subject, know about the positive/negative effects of milk? Could you point me toward some articles, research, etc.?

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Milk is one of the top ten body building foods...it's packed with protein and calcium, what's not to love? I drink 1-2 quarts of it a day, preferably skilm (less fat and not as filling). Not the very best thing if you're on a low-carb diet (which I hope you're not, martial artists expend a lot of energy!), but is definitely a good thing. Atkins also came out with a low carb milk, I only drink it because it has enhanced protein value(14g per serving as opposed to 8g or 9g)...and it's pretty tasty stuff (but filling).


If you like I can go through the ol' giant stack and look for the Muscle and Fitness Magazine issue.

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.


Well, i'm a little low on energy to be doing link searches, but i'll toss out what i know about milk.


* It is harder to digest than water. Sounds silly, but a lot of people try to calm their stomachs down with milk (hot or cold).


* It usually has a high sugar content.


* Unless you're dealing with 'nonfat' milk, you're talking a huge intake of 'saturated' fats.


* If you have sinus problems, milk can aggravate it, as it triggers an increase in phlegm and mucous production.


* If you have stomach problems, milk can aggravate it, as it increases acid production (due to the saturated fats and the sugars).


* If you have G.E.R.D., milk can aggravate it (as above).


* Lactose, even in people who are not lactose intolerant, creates enzymatic disruptions. I.e., it messes with your intestines and the production of various enzymes used for the breakdown of foods (especially protein rich foods, like beef), which could encourage improper and overzealous enzyme production, and an increase in gas.


* Milk from cows is not comparable to milk from a human. The ol' "Milk Does a Body Good" slogan is yet another example of creative and misleading PR work.


However, milk is far less 'bad for you' than most of the other alternatives, such as sodas, sugar drinks, and alcoholic beverages, especially when you consider milk is enriched with vitamins and is a good source of calcium.


Hope that helps.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test



How are you going to compare milk from a cow and milk from a human? Are you planning on drinking human milk? I dont get it, maybe I missed what point you were trying to make with that one. I just know that milk has alot of good benefits as far as calcium and other health positives.

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo


Pretty simple really. Milk from humans is created for the 'infant' human physiology. Milk from cows is created for a calf physiology. Humans are omnivores, cows are herbivores. The digestive system of a human is drastically different than that of a cow.


Should i continue?

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test



I'd add that milk is superior nutritionally to some other sugary beverages, so if it replaces, say, Coca-cola in your diet, it will be a dramatic improvement.


Nonetheless, milk does contain calories, so even if you enjoy it (as with all things), don't over do it.


LOL - It's funny to think of someone getting milk happy.




Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

  I said:
However, milk is far less 'bad for you' than most of the other alternatives, such as sodas, sugar drinks, and alcoholic beverages, especially when you consider milk is enriched with vitamins and is a good source of calcium.

/me smacks solar_kid

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test



Milk. It does a body good.

Train like your life depends on it....Because it does.


I think soy milk is actually lower in protein...not to mention it tastes like well...soy. I like soy...I don't like drinking soy.


Meh, I don't have a sinus problem, and I burn enough calories in a day to make up for that.



To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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