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Funny things our Instructors do.

Mu Ryuk

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Alright, we all have a few...a time when our Instructor just lapses into a moment of stupidity or immaturity that ends up absolutely hilarious. Here is our chance to share with the world (or at least our fellow Karate Forums members :D ).


Alright, this was just yesterday. A Cho Dan Grading had just ended (Congratulations to Roland and Erich by the way, for enduring a brutal five hour test) and we were cleaning up (we usually have pizza and drinks after Black Belt testing). A big SUV drives by with rap music playing. It sits at the stop light for a minute and as it's moving on Mr.Durney, a six foot, hundered and fifty pound very very white man, waves his hand ridiculiously and says "Yeeaaah boooy".


We just stared.




Alright, who's next?

Passion transcends pain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After class my sensi's ask us to bring up any questions to them, adn those who want to go can go.


I asked a question, then one would answer and the other would try to show him up. There only 2 of em, but this lasted for 30 minutes before one just let the other have the lat word.

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This happened back in the late '80s. In our dojang, we had our heavy bag mounted in the middle of the room. We had 12 foot celings, so there was a lot of rope for the bag to swing with. Now this particular episode happened twice on the same night. We were working on side kicks, and our instructor was showing the lower belts the proper form. Picture it...


Kick the bag.... the bag swings aways from you.


Turn to line of students, and begin to speak.


Bag swings back and hits you into the line of students.


Now I know it's not proper to laugh at your instructor, but... :lol: :lol:


When we didn't stop laughing, push-up city... :bawling: :bawling:

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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I am the instructor so nothing I've done in class has been funny, except for my jokes of course. :P

Train like your life depends on it....Because it does.

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One night a couple of years ago my Sensei was trying out some new martial arts shoes. Whilst demonstrating a kick on the heavy bag he slipped and landed on his a$$. I think all of us in the class were too shocked to laugh - none of us had EVER seen Sensei make a mistake before.


Funnily enough, he's never worn those particular shoes for training again... :P

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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My instructor says funny stuff that he doesn't mean. He is asian with a heavy accent. He tries to say stuff in english that he either forgot how or it comes out wrong. I forget what he was talking about one night, but he tried to say something and it came out as the word s**t. He stops and smiles realizing what he said. He laughed at himself. You could here little giggles thoughout the class. It was funny, but you had to be there.

Laurie F

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  • 5 weeks later...

This is not a personal experience but my friend said one time in his Judo (At least I think he said Judo) class they all got into a horse stance, and the teacher told them to go lower, and as he proceded to do so he broke wind and concentration of the class :D

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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Once we had two guest instuctors in our jujitsu class one of which had been my Sensi's instructor. While my Sensi's instructor watched, the other guest was demonstrating "getting heavy" inside my sensi's guard. When he flopped down my Sensi broke wind like you wouldn't believe. Almost everyone was able to stop the giggles until Sensi's insrtuctor said "I always knew someday you would be a martial fartist"

A computer beat me in a game of chess once but it was no match for me in a kickboxing match

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