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Mu Ryuk wrote:

The Tae Kwon Do Roundhouse Kick tends to be thrown at a somewhat upward angle, while the Tang Soo Do Roundhouse is traditionally thrown from a flat 90 degree angle. Note that the Tae Kwon Do Roundhouse I speak of is the modern, sport oriented one. The tradtional Tae Kwon Do Roundhouse was the same as the Tang Soo Do one.


TKD still teaches and use the "flat 90 degree angle" roundhouse kick. It is especially emphasized in the forms (patterns, katas). This is called a "Dollyo Chagi". The 45 degree angle roundhouse kick you mention has it's own name. I couldn't find a spelling of it on the web, but it's something like Peat-chagi, or B-chagi. It is only used in modern competition sparring. It's a cross between a front kick and a roundhouse kick. It's use for speed kick to the body and comes under the arm blocks. Roundhouse kicks to the head are still more effective if you pivot and use the Dollyo Chagi to get over the arm blocks.

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I've never studied either one but I have sparred a few tkd guys and most of their techniques were pretty fancy but did not effect me to much, alot of the high kicks they were using were more of an annoyance than anything and pretty easy to defend against. My sister trained tkd for over 3 years and she did not learn really any realistic self defense, but her school was all about the sport of tkd and they were awsome at the sport part of it. After reading these posts its almost like tkd would be the Judo and tsd would be the Jujitsu as far as looking for sport or straight self defense. Either I'm off topic but this a good post!!!!!

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!


just so SevenStar knows, I was not saying that Judo is not good for self defense. I was comparing it to jujitsu as far as there is More of a sport side to it than Jujitsu not that it is better or worse. Trying to see if that is at all the same in tkd and tsd as some posted within this topic.

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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