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bodybuilding effect your martial arts skills????


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There is definately a point where large bulky muscles will get in the way of certain techniques but that is probably at a heigher weight then yours. When weight training for MA's, you want to focus of function before form. Think what each muscle would do for you. Train not only for size but for strength and speed. There is a direct correlation between muscle size and speed, but you do not want to be so bulked up you cannot move in a full range of motion.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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Good point Hudson, I have used wieghts in my training, but I use them to target specific goals that will enhance my skills.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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Listen, if you start lifting you can only improve your game. "Large bulky muscles" are what you see on bodybuilders who juice. Heck, I've seen guys with large NATURAL muscles "outflex" skinny guys on splits, arm movements, etc. In order to properly train for MA's, use lighter weight, higher reps, and stick with compound moves like bench, squat, pullups, presses, etc. Make sure you maintain flexibility by THOROUGHLY stretching before and after a workout. But unless you are genetically gifted, don't worry about getting so big you can't put your arms behind your back.

Mixed Martial Artist

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yea. think bob sapp. now that guys just too damn big.. but there are 275lbers in k1 who are certainly not slow or inflexible.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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That guy (Sapp) is chemically assisted. I'd say about 70% of MMA pro level competitors are currently on, or have, juiced. You cannot get that big naturally, unless you are genetically gifted. Sorry. Doesn't happen. Roids affects your flexibility, since not only are your muscles getting bigger than they are supposed to, your ligaments and tendons are not getting stronger or more flexible. Hence, steroid users are prone to many injuries and tendonitis as well as pulled ligaments, etc. Be natural, lift within your capacity, eat right, and stretch well.

Mixed Martial Artist

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Be natural, lift within your capacity, eat right, and stretch well.


Very good point.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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try to be well tonned, don't try getting huge muscle or it might slow u down and make u stiffer. Its good to be tonned( have a good amount of muscle) but its not good to be huge.

- A coward dies a thousand deaths, A warrior dies but once.

- No matter how strong the wind is, The mountain cannot bow to it.

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sapp i wont argue about, but most mma guys are not THAT big- 200,220 lbs. and its certainly possible for some genetically gifted guys to hit 250, 275 with proper weight training, diet, and suppliments (legal ones!)

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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