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Martial Arts in the public school system.

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Looking at my nation's (USA) over-all stats I think most students have more than enough to worry about learning how to read, write, and perform arithmatic.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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As a response to which style to be taught...


depending on the resources of the school system it may be possible to teach using a rotating system. meaning that the students get a feel for what is out there.


external or internal? is it possible to teach only the other aspects of martial arts rather than focusing on the "self-defense" or "sport" aspect?

pain is weakness leaving the body.

fear is the mind killer, i will face my fear and let it pass threw me. from the movie "dune"

i know kung fu...show me. from the movie "the matrix"

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Chuck Norris has done this with great success. Check out the site.




As for style, it should be whoever is willing to come and teach their style to the kids. Discipline and physical fitness is a plus in this obese nation of ours. And anyone who abuses their training should be disciplined and or kicked out. That is my opinion though. Possibly a screening process for students.


I would be for it, because not everyone is cut out for football or the other traditional school sponsored sports.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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....i think that it's slightly different with chuck norris


(or any other celebrity) i mean, he has 'power' so to speak, backed up by good public image.


for the average martial artisit, it'll be different.


i mean, let's take good ol' bruce lee.


if he were around, i'm pretty sure most schools would allow him to teach what-ever he wanted to their school kids.


or pehaps it should be that if a school asked him to teach their school kids, they'd be prepared for what it might include....




i'm also pretty sure most school kids would happily practice what-ever he taught.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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In France, kids are taught judo in their schools as a part of their P.E . (No wonder the french are so good at Judo). I think teaching marial arts in high schools could be a good idea.

- A coward dies a thousand deaths, A warrior dies but once.

- No matter how strong the wind is, The mountain cannot bow to it.

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In Australia TKD is taught in some schools particularly in New South Wales, it's most populated State. It is taught by one of the bigger MA organisations headed by and ex teacher. There is a full blown inter school competition. I guess it's easier to sell to the education system because it is an Olympic sport. There is a push on right now to expand the teaching and competition through other teaching organisations interstate. So it is very possible. And it is improving the overall standard of students and teaching.

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anyone who thinks martial arts will ever be taught in americas public school system from K - 12 grade is kidding themselves.


the liabilities are far to great, it will never ever be allowed....


that being said, the american school system is a pile of crap.


its outdated, impractical and creating only mindless drones to earn corporations more money.


If i could overhaul the american k-12 public school system i guarantee that within 24 years the entire american school system would be spitting out students 10 times great then what we do now.


practical studies like, martial arts, finance, real life studies, etc. would be the subjects.


Todays world isnt our parents world, you cannot go and work for moeny for a corporation and expect to get retirement when you are old and grey.


You have to learn to make money work for you and do things differently.


Its not about anythign they teach now days...


peopel going to high school now are screwed, unless they inherit money they are going to be old and homeless because they definitely wont ahve social security

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Cons: Just like when karate (although it wasn't called that at the time) was introduced into the Japanese school system around the year 1905 from Okinawa, the techniques will have to be watered down and lose a great deal of their effectiveness due to the lack of competent instructors to teach that many children and the worry that kids will really hurt themselves or others by either using proper combat-effective techniques or improper technique in general.


If by watering down, you mean removing things like pressure point striking, makiwara training, etc. I'd disagree. I would implement either judo, bjj. boxing or muay thai classes - wouldn't have to water down anything, and those styles, being more competition and physical training oriented would be more apt to get students in shape.



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I think it would be an excellently recieved addition, it is already taight in some private schools. I do see many legal obstacles, but these can be avoided.


As far as a style it would be interesting to come up with a uniquely American Style.

"Better to be a tiger for a day than

a sheep for a lifetime."

~ Chinese Proverb

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Alright. I can't speak for all public school systems, but I can speak for my high school. And I think it would be a horrible idea. We have so many fights in are school as it is. And I'm thinkin' these kids wouldn't use the idea of MA to stay out of fights, they would use it as a way to train how to hurt their opponent even more. Espically when the fights start over nothing. Like last year, a fight broke out in the middle of the commons during lunch when some kid threw a chicken finger at some one else. And I personally would not like to have seen the fight if they both knew how to break some one's wrist, 5 different ways.

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