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Geez ... You guys are so quick to bag GKR :evil:


I've been with Go Kan Ryu for almost 5 years and I'm a 1st Kyu, hopefully going for my Shodan Ho within weeks.


Sure some Brown Belts (3rd Kyu) are pretty poor ... But you can bet your life they won't climb the ladder without vast improvement.


GKR has a list of NAS champions ... So why bag the style ???


Sure their business practices leave something to be desired.


It's true 'Instructors' can be as low as 8th kyu (They wear a Black & White Belt) I firmly do not believe in this ... But I guess it's ok as long as the only teach student of 7th Kyu or so.


When I graded to 6th Kyu ... I went and found a REAL Black Belt to teach me, and haven't looked back.


GKR's business practices might seem shody, But leaving that aside they have a good strong style that's proved itself many a time.


If you train with GKR ... Your best bet is to only go to a class which is taught by a 'Genuine Black Belt' and give the other tosspots a miss :D





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You people sure do value your belts...What does a belt prove? That you know a form? That you can spar in a controlled environment? Focus on the person, not the belt...


Not to offend, it just seems kind of silly to me now, coming from a style with no belts.

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  • 1 month later...

This thread is so depressingly familiar.


I can remember 5-6 years ago reading posts on assorted message boards regarding the awful standard of GKR karate, Yellow belt instructors, shady business practices etc.


In spite of the welter of hyperbole expended back then - and so it seems, to this very day. GKR is still around and getting bigger all the time.


If every bad thing you ever heard about GKR were true could it really be the case that 40,000 people spread over three continents could all be so gullible? It really seems unlikely.


My heart felt sympathies go out to all GKR students - 6 years of being the perennial whipping boys of every disgruntled martial artist with a modem and a loose grasp of english must take enormous mental fortitude.


It's a shame that there isn't a special belt for fortitude in the face of accusatory, non-gramatical web postings.



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i have to admit when I first came across GKR i was like...doorknocking..hmm..i smell Mcdojo. My brother was already doing it - so I came along to a few lessons and was actually surprised.


The instructors made sure all of the students had good technique, went through the bunkai of the katas etc.


I'm really enjoying it, unfortunately, not every martial art is for everyone - and some martial arts just aren't for some people and there will always be people highly biased for their style and against other styles. It's pretty lame - I'd say if you spent the same amount of time training that you spend attacking other styles on a forum like the internet (rather than proving it at a tournament) you might actually become a decent martial artist.


I pretty much only like 3 styles of karate and thats Kyokushin, GKR, and GJR

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Personally, I don't see a problem with perhaps a 5th kyu teaching a lower ranking member something basic as long as a ranking, experienced instructor is supervising. After all, a 5th kyu should be capable of demonstrating a proper punch and kick. I don't think kata should be taught by anyone other than an instructor, as it is unlikely that any 5th kyu has excellent form and applications.
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good point about the kata


i know in our style (which is go kan ryu) that those instructors are really exceptional ones of their rank.


Only some dedicated students are approached to be instructors, and even so they have to wear no belt for months and attend many sensei classes.


Those teachers belts are pretty deceptive too, I could've sworn one of my senseis was a 1st or 2nd kyu for ages...turned out he was 6th kyu (when it came to competition time he had to wear his real belt)


but he drilled me way harder than some of the higher rank senseis of other dojos. It was kinda up to the individual there as his teaching structure was so hardcore you would be totally exhausted (by the end) and your body covered in sweat throughout the entire lesson.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so many things to say.


For one thing, you are all martial artists. For everyone who just bagged GKR just think about what you are doing exactly.


I have never heard any person from GKR Karate criticize any other style. So why do you criticize them?


I find that karate teaches self dicipline, a part of that is keepin thoughts to yourself. For the people who have seen GKR classes. What country, what state did you see them in????


There is a saying that goes


'you are hated, because you are the best'


to the martial artists and karate-ka of this forum, is this quote true? GKR is one of the largest Karate organizations in the world.


It seems hypocritical that you tell everyone how proud you are of your style, and it isn't contested, but the you yourself contest the fact that GKR Karate-Ka are proud of their style.


'I have worked for GKR and trained in GKR'-Bonny Boy. It sounds a tiny bit like jealousy. Please correct me if i'm mistaken. Did you see Kancho Robert Sullivan while he had stomach cancer, or after radical surgery on his stomach, in which he only now has a quarter of.


Watch your words.


I am a PROUD member of Go-Kan-Ryu Karate Australia. I am friends with the National All Style champions and I train with the World All Style Champions also.


As a fellow Martial Artist, I am disheartened to see one style picked out from the bunch. We are all in this together and our goal in the end is to make this world a better place. Call me naive, but doesn't anyone think this also?

The moon shines on

The waters not present

In an undug well

Yields forth a man

With neither shadow nor form

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  • 1 month later...



Did you see Kancho Robert Sullivan while he had stomach cancer, or after radical surgery on his stomach, in which he only now has a quarter of.


Watch your words.




Well said.


I've trained with GKR for five years and had my fair share of bad instructors, they do happen. BUT they tend to get found out fairly quickly, I couldn't be happier with the way my training is going and my Senior instructor just offerred me a full time job for the hols before I go to uni...knocking on doors.


I'm very tempted to take it, they wouldn't even need to pay me I would do it for the extra training alone.


As for people who crtisise the club, I've learned to pity them. Kanch didn't hide the fact that he had stomach cancer, but when I trained with him at a seminar in Leeds (I live in Newcastle UK) I thought he was good, when I learned that he had cancer at the time I respected him even more for training through all the pain he must have been in.


As Himeji said I've never seen another GKR member talking badly about another style. Those who do so don't know what Karate is as far as I'm concerned. Gichin Funakoshi said that "Karate begins and ends with courtesy" these people should read his books.

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