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Well now it seems as if I have stumbled into a hotbed of GKR arguements. As an ex regional manager for several years dont believe just me, have a look on Yahoo Groups and find GOKANRYUkarate sucks groups. :idea: Over 1000 messages from leading martial artists as well as disgruntled SDCs and managers...not to mention students. I rest my case !!


A brief aside GOKAN in Japanese means rape...mmmmm interesting. :karate:


As to being the biggest and best well look at the people GKR have walked over and lied about and how at Panchos seminars the main item on the agenda is money money money. :o


Yellow belts as senseis...dont make me laugh. :bawling: With his sidekick Bagdad bob the Minister of spin at the helm Pancho will rule the world. Ask notaries as our own Ron Gronian what his feelings about G ot K ash R eserves are. Ask why people have committed suicide after accusations about them have been made. Ask how Pancho has gained 5 of his seven dan grades. Ask why there is no cross training. The whole thing stinks worse than an abbo's armpit (monty python quote not mine) and ask yourself very carefully why major martial arts governing bodies are working hard to kick the GKR dogs out of three continents. I realise that many are pro them...that is normally transitory...they soon learn . Why does only 1 student out of 200 make it to blue belt. Oh also is it true that Pancho has been done for fraud over here in Aus. I think so !! :P

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Ok so the silly arguements aside (baghdad bob etc) - your main arguement is that GKR is after money money money. I understand and to some extent believe what you are saying - especially given the marketting techniques. But I DO cross train in another art, and I am very happy with the training I get in GKR.
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Hey all, I have had some first hand experience with some GKR students and teachers. First of all I have nothing against the style although it is quite new GKR is a mixture of Goju and Shotokan, those two styles appeal to me and as I understans GKR would be as well. The one problem with GKR is that the majority of the organisations are money grabbers, they are not in it for the teaching and probably are not dedicated Karate-Ka.


I have spectated at a GKR dojo and was not impressed.. I was also told to leave, not very pleasant.


I think the door knocking recruitment is unnesecary as usually the real enthusiastic students are the one that hunt for themselves.


GKR also has made some of there own moves up and as I beleive is not recognised by the governing bodies of Japan.


I also beleive that the main reason that GKR has so many wins at NAS tournies is because they have so many people.


But still the style maybe good.




Don't judge a STYLE by the people that teach is, judge it by its roots and background

Things are only how you perceive them so try to see things positively

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it depends on the instructors i think


I've had some great instructors and some instructors who haven't really done alot for me. I've also had some instructors that were far better dealing with newcomers than higher grades, and visa versa

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  • 2 weeks later...


Well now it seems as if I have stumbled into a hotbed of GKR arguements. As an ex regional manager for several years dont believe just me, have a look on Yahoo Groups and find GOKANRYUkarate sucks groups. :idea: Over 1000 messages from leading martial artists as well as disgruntled SDCs and managers...not to mention students. I rest my case !!


A brief aside GOKAN in Japanese means rape...mmmmm interesting. :karate:


As to being the biggest and best well look at the people GKR have walked over and lied about and how at Panchos seminars the main item on the agenda is money money money. :o


Yellow belts as senseis...dont make me laugh. :bawling: With his sidekick Bagdad bob the Minister of spin at the helm Pancho will rule the world. Ask notaries as our own Ron Gronian what his feelings about G ot K ash R eserves are. Ask why people have committed suicide after accusations about them have been made. Ask how Pancho has gained 5 of his seven dan grades. Ask why there is no cross training. The whole thing stinks worse than an abbo's armpit (monty python quote not mine) and ask yourself very carefully why major martial arts governing bodies are working hard to kick the GKR dogs out of three continents. I realise that many are pro them...that is normally transitory...they soon learn . Why does only 1 student out of 200 make it to blue belt. Oh also is it true that Pancho has been done for fraud over here in Aus. I think so !! :P


Thats about the most dis-respectful post I've ever read. I won't say GKR is the best club out there, I haven't trained in all the rest so I can't make that judgement. No cross training who says, I do a bit of kick boxing as well. I sparred friends from other clubs at the same level and beaten some lost to others. It Go Kan Ryu not Gokan so if that does mean rape theres no connection it pretty said to make that connection, I do wonder though what the club did to deserve that outburst as the individual i'm quoting has only one post, did they register solely to bag the club?


I honestly don't get why people who say their MA's bag any club-that is most definately not what MA is about.


As to evil-xerox saying he was asked to leave, we ask people to leave all the time when they come in and talk or come in because someone they know (not a friend) trains there and they think its funny. I'm assuming thats not why you were asked to leave the way you put accross your post was fair. So I would conclude that perhaps you ran accross one of the bad sensies we do occasionally get, who generally get fired quite quickly and resort to bagging the site on the net.


Again back to krishnamurthi's post, he or she was a RM for a couple of years, if the club was that bad then why stay with them for that amount of time??? That speaks worse about them than it does about the club.

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Ho hum


I just realised that krishnamurthi's from the UK and the only UK RM I know who left after a few years instead of going to a different region or being promoted is a Stewart M*** i cannot recall his last name but it had M as the first letter. I could be totally wrong about this and if i am im sorry but he was an OK guy but got fired for holding GKR classes off the books and keeping the money for himself...

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This has become sad.


Since u seem so adept at the Japanese language krishnamurthi or however u spell it..


u would know the very fact that the Kanji characters are seperated which means they are two totally different words. But maybe you didn't know that.


As for the 'pancho' joke. There are plenty of other Kancho's out there and by making such a demeaning pun out of a respectable title, obviously shows why you are a 'disgruntled' EX Go-Kan-Ryu member, or RM or whatever you reckon you were.


As for the belief that numbers are the reason GKR wins. Wrong. It's all about individuals performances and that reflects on the fact that the world and national titles are currently held by GKR members. That can't possible be pure numbers.


A man is being ridiculed because he tried out a new idea and made a business as well as a respectable Karate style. The quality of the style is shown in the individuals. As with all styles and especially in the case of a bigger style, there will be some Dojos of a lesser standard.


And as for the threat of closing the thread down, it shouldn't have been allowed to open in the first place. I have never seen such a disregard of ettiquete in a group of martial artists.


My loyalties will always remain with Go Kan Ryu Karate International and if you don't like it, give me slack on my personal messages and less in public. Your embarassing yourselves.


Yours in Karate-Do

The moon shines on

The waters not present

In an undug well

Yields forth a man

With neither shadow nor form

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