Guest Posted July 15, 2004 Posted July 15, 2004 please give examples of your daily eating and list your height and weight if you'd be so kind. Are you disciplined when it comes to overeating and junkfood? What are your pitfalls and hang-ups when it comes to eating? Answers appreciated... Mine are overeating if the food is really tasty. mindless munching (I'm getting better) I cheat on Sundays Sometimes I feel unmotivated and get angry. etc..
Luckykboxer Posted July 15, 2004 Posted July 15, 2004 atm i eat almost anything placed in front of me.. but then im not on my fat burning of lean down phase atm, ive just been increasing my metabolism. When i do enter my "diet" phase though... probably in another week or two this is a sample of what i will be eating. I am currently 6'3" and approx 250... when i am done i will be about 215..hopefully the same height.. 7am - 8 egg whites, 2 yokes, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, banana 10am - protein shake 1pm - 1 chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, low carb/higher protein shake. 4pm - 20 carb/40 protein shake. 7pm - 0 carb/40 protein bar. 10pm 8 ounces of extra lean ground beef, or lean steak, or ostrich, or chicken, or turkey, 1 cup of greens. my total carb intake will be about 100 grams at most and thats only because i need the energy for training. I have done this diet several times, and i tend to lose about 30 pounds in 30 days, give or take. now realize at this point i have been eating about 2-3 times the calories per day before i diet, and i will also be taking thermogenics and vitamins and minerals while i am dieting. I wouldnt recommend it to many people though... by about the 4th or 5th week if i go that long i am little more then a machine that eats, sleeps, trains, and well you know. I rarely do a casual diet.... i usually only diet a couple months before i get into competing, and usually stay in shape while im competing, during the offseason i eat pretty much whatever i want. during the times i am competing my meals are pretty open, i just make sure im eating 6 times a day, and eating lower carbs, never more then 25 carbs per sitting, the protein pretty much takes care of itself as i am never hungrey enough to eat more protein then my body can handle. my biggest issues are sodas, and chocolate though... im weak :/
Guest Posted July 15, 2004 Posted July 15, 2004 hey, thanks for sharing. Wow, that is one hella diet man!! I am lucky enough to not care if I ever eat candy again..and I love diet soda so...takes some getting used to. WOW... anyone else?
ninjanurse Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 I have a similar "diet". I presently am 5'4 and weigh about 117 lbs. I eat 6 small meals per day, each with approx 20 grams of protein and 20 grams of carbs. Fat is limited and there is no dairy or processed sugar. One day out of the week I PIG OUT on whatever I want which is usally skittles and beer!!! "A Black Belt is only the beginning."Heidi-A student of the artsTae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis
Luckykboxer Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 wow 5'4".... 117 martial artist.. and likes skittles and beer?? I need to figure out where to find me one of those
Rotten Head Fok Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 Since I have been away from the MA life my discipline of food intake is far from from what I would like, but sufficient. For awhile I ate fruits and vegtables only (about 3 months). This was good in that I felt I was cleaning my bodies insides, however I noticed something, a craving ? a feeling like something was lacking ? meat !!! I don't try any fad diets, but I do indorce educated, structured, diets based on ones attention to their bodies needs. This can only (IMO) be done by education of food, body mechanics, etc.... Luckboxer, my hat is off to you ! I can remember when I could have posted a simular diet regiment. Back then I was taking in 6500 to 7500 calories daily. A mix of grains, meats, fats, vegtables, fruits, dairy products, and sweets. As I get older I notice that what you do on monday will effect you on friday, weather it is a workout, food intake, rest.... I think that once your at a level that you are what I call "cruizing speed" it is important to maintain a consumption of nutritous food. I do not drink soda, my coffee habit needs to stop, no junk food, I stick to the basic fruits, vegtables, grains(whole), meats(Chicken, Fish, a little red meat), very little dairy products, sweets (natural) and because of this I can live with myself when it comes to a fresh Doughnut! You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.
kuntoafighter2003 Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 ill eat what ever i want......since i work out its ok
Spielwurfel Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 Hehe... I don't do diets... I did just once because of what seemed to be a silly fear... I always eat lots of things, like cookies, cakes and averything that make you gain wheight, but I excercise a lot. Since I started training karate, I grew up a lot (not because of the karate, sure), but I mantained the same weight. Well... I don't know what kind of measure system you guys are used to use, so I'll put in my measure system... If you want me to put in your system (which I don't know), just say it and I'll try to convert... I have 1,75 meters and 69 Kg (which I mantained since I started training karate) According to a math expression, I have the correct weight for my height, despite I'm not in shape (but just my belly is not in shape (what doesn't mean that I don't have a strong ab, because I always keep training it... My arms, my legs and all the rest of my body is well trained). I don't think that is difficult to stop eating junk food and this kind of stuff and begin to train. When I wasn't a karate student, I stoped to eat all this non-healtly food and started training my body (but not karate), and in 2 weeks I lost 3 Kg. And now that I'm training karate, I'm much better.
aefibird Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 Well, today I've eaten McDonalds... but that's because I was dragged there by my nieces (and talked to death the whole time I was there too. I learned more about the latest boy bands today than I ever wanted or needed to know...). Generally, I just try and eat as healthily as possible, with a good balance between carbs, protien and fats. I'll usually have Shredded Wheat or porrage oats for breakfast (or toast occasionally). During my mid-morning break at work I usually have a banana or satsuma. For lunch it depends if I'm at work or not. If I'm at work I'll usually have vegetable or mushroom soup with whole-grain bread with a low-fat yoghurt and some fruit to follow. If I'm not at work I might have a jacket potato with tuna or cottage cheese or baked beans, or I might have some salmon and veg or similar or (my fave) baked beans on toast. When I get in from work I usually have some fruit or dried fruit and maybe another youghurt. Then I usually eat later when I get back from training. I tend to stay away from red meat - I prefer fish and chicken - and usually have that with vegetables and either potatoes or pasta or rice. Fridays are my pig-out evening when I have take-away and beer! My weaknesses are doughnuts, too much coffee and a liking for a glass of wine or two in an evening after training. "Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My CologneSheffield Steelers!
Guest Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 Well, today I've eaten McDonalds... but that's because I was dragged there by my nieces (and talked to death the whole time I was there too. I learned more about the latest boy bands today than I ever wanted or needed to know...). Generally, I just try and eat as healthily as possible, with a good balance between carbs, protien and fats. I'll usually have Shredded Wheat or porrage oats for breakfast (or toast occasionally). During my mid-morning break at work I usually have a banana or satsuma. For lunch it depends if I'm at work or not. If I'm at work I'll usually have vegetable or mushroom soup with whole-grain bread with a low-fat yoghurt and some fruit to follow. If I'm not at work I might have a jacket potato with tuna or cottage cheese or baked beans, or I might have some salmon and veg or similar or (my fave) baked beans on toast. When I get in from work I usually have some fruit or dried fruit and maybe another youghurt. Then I usually eat later when I get back from training. I tend to stay away from red meat - I prefer fish and chicken - and usually have that with vegetables and either potatoes or pasta or rice. Fridays are my pig-out evening when I have take-away and beer! My weaknesses are doughnuts, too much coffee and a liking for a glass of wine or two in an evening after training. brits with your "beans on toast"'s pretty good, I've had it.
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