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Fighting on the street.


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I'm sure there are quite a few non-MAs that would like to believe that. :wink:


The answer is no. Your training, approach, dedication, mindset, and individual insight are what determines whether what you know will work in the street or not. It is not all physical.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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We removed the duplicate of this thread with a reply on it, so here it is:



Self defence would work on the streets IF:


- you trained realistically in order to learn the stuff and make it a second nature


- you can react properly and overcome fear, block and use the adrenaline rush in your advantage


- you are lucky.


Anyway I'd think to know something wouldn't hurt and knowledge could really make the difference.


We are awaiting for replies :karate:

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I would say that many MA would not work on the street if you used them the same way you practice in the dojo.


Head high kicks are not the best idea when some one wants to bite off your nose.


Its also not a good idea to close into grappling distance unless you have to, whether you are trained in grappling or not.


Real life street fights are hard fast and dirty. Not something you want to be involved in. They are also normally decided before it gets physical. Even top MAists can be beaten up by untrained people if they lose the phycological battle before the fight.


However assuming you are prepared for the mental fight before hand then a MA trained fighter will come out better than an non-trained/experienced fighter 9 times out of ten.


If you want to read more theres a great book called "Dead or alive: your choice" written by a guy called Geoff Thompson that is well worth a read, check amazon.

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Well Hello There!


I have always been taught that MA will most definately work on the streets. But we train as though it is ment to be used in a real street fight, we train with guns, knives, other people, and so on. But the one thing that I can easily say without any doubt is it depends on the type of training you do. My Sensei (Sensei Phil Oakes) says, "Train hard in here, easy out there!". So basically it depends all on how you train.



shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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of coarse not!! except for some styles like tia kwog dou stuff...it simply won't work...do u think in a fight u would kick somebody!! your apponnent is just going to look at you and laugh! you have to keep it practical.


You're obviously living on some other planet than I am bud.


Yes, martial arts will work on the street just fine (that's what it's designed for you know), regardless of the system... if, like others have said, you have the proper training, motivation, attitude, preparation, etc for it.


An example from my own personal experience. Every Wednesday night, I go to the local country bar for dance lessons and to dance. Last night, around 8:00, there was a brawl between a man in his mid-50's and his mid-20's son, and one of the regular patrons of the establishment. The older man started a fight with the regular patron and took a swing at him, then his son joined in so that it was 2 against one. The bouncer doesn't come on until 9:00, and since the owner is a friend of mine, I came up behind the father/son team and put the dad in a choke hold from behind for a few seconds so that he understood I could choke him out real quickly if I'd wanted to. He backed off and quit being aggressive. I then did the same thing to the kid (about 6' tall and muscular and real aggressive) I had to hold him until he basically didn't want to "play" any more. When you can't breathe, it sort of takes the fight out of you.


Long story short, the father/son team got hauled off by the local sheriff and probably sat the night out in the Gray-Bar Hotel.


I normally don't get involved in other peoples fights, but this was 2 against one, and the "team" started it. They aren't normal patrons of the place, and nobody else seemed concerned with getting involved in it or helping the regular patron against these two guys.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Yes it would work, if it is pracitced corrrectly and realistically in the dojo and also if you cover all bases. For example - grappling and ground fighting is great and a skilled art but if thats all you do then in the street the last thing you want to do is to be holding onto a guy or on the ground with him because his mate will be stomping on your head. If you just practice kicks then in the street if the ground is slippery, the guy is in close, the area is confined they just aint gonna work. You need to cover all bases in the dojo so you can be affective in the street. Some one in this subject said train in here hard out there easy! how true well said. A technique is nothing but a text book move no matter how many times you go through it, you need to feel it, let them try and hit you and you take them down or out 100% then in the street you wont get overcome with self doubt and fear. Mental ability sets you up with the ability to possibly win as long as physically you can peform but if your mentally not prepared because of a lack of serious "fear management like trianing:=" then you are already half way beat beacue you arent using self defense in the street your just practicing it on the street, better to practice seriously in the dojo and peform on the street then the other way around. Why people think that MA would not work in a fight situation is beyond me, if you practice anything you will improve and if you practice fighting skills of course you are better prepared. Its like saying that a proffesional Basket ball player trained 7 days a week by michael jordan couldnt shoot a hoop?

If i told you i was good, you would say i am boasting. If i told you i wasnt, then you would know i was lieing...........

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