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Come together make a poll


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This post is a preparation for a poll I’d like us to create, I’d like to know what style of karate is practiced the most in our small community. Now how should we arrange the poll


Here some ideas:


A- Shuri te


B- Naha te


C- Mixed more Shuri-te


D- Mixed more Naha-te


E- Based on Chinese boxing


If we assume there is no pure tomari-te anymore.


Or we write all the styles done, then how about newer styles like shotokan or kyukushin or wado-ryu since most of the people practice a Japanese karate not Okinawan karate, also how about kenpo/kempo , correct me if I am wrong ,If kempo says “there is no second strike “ as a art of war and karate says “ there is no first strike” as a defensive art still with the idea of “one blow one kill” , can we put kenpo with other karate styles together in one poll?


So give me your ideas and if you are from a rare traditional style mention your style name as well, also let me know if you think it’s a waste of time.

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The most popular style here in Italy is Shotokan which is a mix of Shuri-te and Naha-te (I think).


Goju ryu (my style) is also quite popular and is basically Naha-te.

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I don't see the use for such a poll. We'll get to debates like in the other one with Karate styles tearing each other apart because we can't be sure if some styles should be put into the list or not. Polls should be made if they've got sense and are useful, not just to play with the forums. Just my opinion. And for the sake of information, we should focus on discussing not just making polls. I'm obnoxious, I know, but that's what I think.


Anyway, if you make your poll, I'll come and vote :karate:

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The trouble with such a poll would be that there would probably always be some karate style that inadvertantly gor left out - not necessarily intentionally on the part of the poll's creator, but more probably accidentally, sometimes due to lack of knowledge.


For example, until I came onto these forums there were at least 2 styles of karate (Rich_2k3's chosen style of Trodai and Krunchyfrogg's style of San-Ken-Ryu) that I'd never heard of before. If I'd been compiling a poll when I first came on this site then I wouldn't have included them, simply because I'd never heard of them before. Now, that doesn't mean that they're not good styles ('cos I'm sure they are) or that they don't deserve mentioning in any list of karate styles ('cos they do), it's just an example to highlight why polls listing 'favourite' or 'best' karate style aren't always a good idea.


Like many things, it's a good idea in theory, but might provoke too many arguments if carried out. :-/

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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Everyone practicing karate, help P.A.L acumulate a list of all the major ones. Then P.A.L can have an "other" category at the end. The ones choosing "other" can list it in their response.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Italian_guy , there is no element of naha-te in Shotokan as I know, if there is then give me more info.


ramymensa, I suggest you to read the main post again, this is a opening for a discussion on Karate styles, as far as their existence in this forum, there is no poll yet, no favorite, no best in this post. I just wanna know to your opinion how this possible poll should look like , by name or lineage or mix?. Just now I got 2 styles names that I can go and check on them at least.

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Shuri-te and Tomari-te, mixed (Kyan Chotoku tradition).


And when assuming that there's no "pure Tomari-te"...well, then one's assuming wrong. There are several pure Tomari-te kata left in many Shorin-Ryu schools. Kata is karate - so, there is pure Tomari-te left. There just isn't a school that would have been concentrated on Tomari-te only.


Sadly, people don't understand this always and so Tomari-te is often used to explain the most ridiculous crapola..."Oh, it's Tomari-te"...without knowing that there actually is Tomari-te left.


Yes, there is Naha-te in Shotokan. Their Seisan (Hangetsu) is a Naha version (Shotokai's Hangetsu Den is a version of Shuri-te - Matsumura no Seisan), some of the Shotokan groups do Hyakuhachiho (Suparinpei) etc...

Jussi Häkkinen

Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do (Kyan Chotoku lineage)



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Jussi, Sorry , I thought it's clear that we are talking about schools and styles not katas , of course there are katas from tomari area at the present. about seisan that you mentioned, the history is not clear, seisan was practiced both in naha and tomari so funakoshi version might be from tomari , but the main thing was to accept Shotokan as a shuri style and not a mix. gotta go ,I have a question that i'll ask later.

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Maybe my knoledge of the history of karate is somehow superficial but from the little I know I consider Goju ryu as (mostly) Naha-te, Shorin as (mostly) Shuri-te and Shotokan a mix of the 2, maybe not an equal mix but still a mix. Also in my opinion there is not big difference in talking about schools and katas because the kata dictates and syntetize the school and its traditions.

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We know that funakoshi was not an experienced grand master of karate and learned it tomari and shuri .So where did he get enough training to incorporate naha-te with tomari-te and shuri-te Is it possible that he learned from sensei mabuni in Japan?


that's a good point, about kata and styles , what is it that make a style? what are the key elements or above the styles what is the base behind a philosophy of self defense like naha-te or shuri-te ( help me out here I don’t know a proper term for naha-te or shuri-te so I used philosophy). it just katas?( as representation of physical movements and breathing) or some thing beyond ?

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