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I am now


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Every test is harder and at the same time easier that the previous (harder because they ask for much more than before, easier, because you got kinda used to the stuff and I think if you really worked out there's no chance you could be left speachless by being asked to do a technique. Ususally you are asked to do what you've done countlessly in training or combinations based on that. The only problem is how you carry yourself and surviving the test :D )


Congratulations. You've taken the hardest test. The first. Prepare continuously and be confident in yourself and you'll have more celebrating days in the future :karate:

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Well done on your passes man.


Ray I am confindent that I could take 2 more gradings at my current level and pass them. The higher belt gradings I saw looked hard, mainly because the combinations were called out so quickly I had trouble rembering them.


I look forward to just carrying on with my Karate and giving 100% at all times.

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italian_guy, congratulations on passing your gradings! :up:


Thanks a lot aefibird. :)

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For karate The test was divided into 3 parts:


1: Kihon


2: Kata


3: Bunkai


Starting from Yellow-to-Orange graders they had also a fourth part which is Kumite.


We had 3 judges that gives 1 to 8 score to the candidate for each test, the final score was the sum of all scores, under 45 you do not pass above you pass (this is for white-to-yellow for the others the minimum was 60 but they have 4 parts so you should have an average of 5 in both cases).


I did my Kihon not extremely well but decently. The kata was better (It was one of the 3 Taikioku randomly selected for me it was Taikiouku Jodan) , at the end of the test one of the judges which also the main intructor told me that I did the kata at my best. Also I did quite well with bunkai so the final score was 59.


The Tai chi chuan test was somehow more relaxed we perform an initial warmup routine called Ba Tuan chin, all fundamental blocks/strikes/punches/kicks and then all the forms of our program for me (6th to 5th chi) it was only one form the others had to make more,


since there were not high level graders they did not do application and pushing hands (this in our school is done starting from 2nd to 1st chi onwards). Here they did not tell me the final score only that I passed.

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Thats interesting to hear how others grade. Thanks


At my class last night it felt good to have passed, I felt I performed better and with a lot more confidence.


The guys looked at my grading sheet and said it was excelent as I passed everything with full marks and with no comments on improvement.


Plus I learned how to tie my belt perfectly so that helped lot :)

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