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Questions on Black Belt Gradings.

Red Triangle student

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For my Cadet Shodan Grading i started with an intense course and warm up, through that my examiner was watching what i did, and to see my stamina and to see if i gave it my all or if i did it half heartedly, and so he could see my ability etc.


Then i was called onto the mat on my own :(, i was so scared! Then i did half an hour of basics, including combinations of 8 or 9 moves in, i did this going up and down the hall. Occassionally i would be stopped and asked the application of the move, and why would i use it and what effect would it have and in what situation. My advice would be learn your Bunkai, as not only will it help if you are asked but also helps you understand what you are doing. Then i demonstrated kata, i had to do two dan grade katas, then one which my Sensei chose, then i was given three Heian katas to demonstrate. Then i was asked to demontrate a kata, and break it down move-by-move and explain the application of each move, using another student to demonstrate the moves on, for this one i chose Bassai Dai as it has variation and is a really good kata to demontrate application with.


Then i had to demonstrate a wrist, arm and leg take down, and a three knife attack and counter attacks.


I then got onto kumitie. Firstly i did Jyu Ippon Kumitie, then freestyle sparring, with my Sensei, a student from my club, then three other random opponents. i was so tired after this.


Then i was asked to demonstrate break falls (which i hate doing).


Then it was over, my advice would be just go in and give it your all, no-one can fault you for that. And if you do make a mistake just bow, step back and start again, don't get all flustered and panicy. The examiner isn't there to fail you, only you can do that! So just train hard, learn your stuff and give it your all, thats all that can be asked!!

1st dan black belt- shotokan karate

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  • 2 weeks later...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are all really pissing me off!!! I only if you read my first post all I wanted to know is what you thought of your Black Belt Grading and to Verify that Shodan= 1st Dan Nidan=2nd Dan Sandan=3rd Dan Yondan=4th Dan and Godan=5th Dan. That is all!


And Informer, what the fuc**** Hell are you on about? Did I say that I was a Shodan? No I never. I wanted to know the Alternative way of saying Sgodan which is 2nd dan.


Plus I am 14 and have been training for three almost three years in Shotokan Karate.

Edited by Red Triangle student

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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Red Triangle Student, there is no need to be like that.


Informer did not say that you were a Shodan - he simply stated that you should go back and find out what it means.


Most people have answered your question by telling you about their black belt gradings and wishing you luck and sucess for yours.


Please keep your posts reseptful and free from bad language. Thankyou.


To clarify karate dan gradings:


Shodan=1st Dan


Nidan=2nd Dan


Sandan=3rd Dan


Yondan=4th Dan


Godan=5th Dan


Rokudan=6th Dan

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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I dont know!!! im only a 8th kyu, a measly 8th kyu!!! I also wanna see what a black belt grading is like, i might go and watch my mate.

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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Im only a 8th kyu, a measly 8th kyu!!!


Hey, there's nothing wrong with being an 8th kyu! We all had to start as a beginner!


Yep, go along and watch RTStudent - it will be good support for him and it will be interesting for you to see what a Dan grading is like. When is the grading?

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I was with JIyn in his house whilst he posted that reply I told him that he-I am sorry to say- cant go to my Grading because it is a Black and Brown Belt course.


Oh Yeah! He could wtch from the crowd! But that doesnt really suit him, it gets get on his nerves the way I am almost a Black Belt and he is only a Red Belt and he wouldnt be able to train.

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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