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I know we had this thread appear in one of the forums....so I thought I would bring it up here again.


Well I am back to TKD classes (40 until 2nd deg. ) Can only get to one class a week because of KB teaching so that will have to do.


Last night was my 4th class coming back into it since last Dec. Instructor called out a front snap kick (which I'm used to doing on heavy bag in kickboxing class) and as I kicked I hyperextended my knee YEEOUCHH! :eek: Wow... that does hurt! I felt the pain travel up the whole left side of me. I just now need to get used to throwing my kicks in air and not hyperextending. I teach an all-bag kickboxing class so now I need to get back into "air" kicking once again. We do use the bags also but this just happened to be at beginning of class.


We can also use this thread to acknowledge your recent injuries...suggestions on how to deal with them...or if you are experiencing pain with any technique; how you might correct it.



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Well, I do have a few problems I would like to share here :smile:


For one - I am too used to kicking air. When it comes to kicking a bag with front kick, my foot seems to pull back, loosing the normal foot extended toes back shape to an everything pulled back shape. I suppose a lot of practice on a bag when I get one will help.


My other problem is that when doing repeated roundhouse kicks with my right foot, I seem to get a really painful feeling on the inside of the bottom of my foot, like some sort of powerful ache. Any ideas why this may be?


Deby I'm sorry to hear you hyper-extended, those injuries are always painful :/ I hope you get well soon, best of luck :smile:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Ouch!! :cry:


We always focus our front kick (hold it) for a split second to avoid that very problem.


My last competition, about a year ago, found me rusty and allowed a guy to get in too close. He was able to get me into a hip throw, and I put my arm too far back for a side fall. Almost dislocated the shoulder. It took about 4 months before I got full mobility back.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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My achilles heel is chronic shoulder problems. I have torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders more than once.


I find contrasting thermal modes to be great. A minute or so of cold alternated with a minute or so of heat. Finishing with the heat.


Ice massage in the shower is great around knees and shins too. :dead:

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...actually forgot to mention that on morning AFTER my first class back I nearly fell out of bed onto floor, and couldn't walk down stairs for nearly the whole day! I knew I was in trouble when driving home from class both legs were twitching something fierce! Has this ever happened to any of you? It is so weird...my muscles were so played! ....and its not like I don't work out!


SaiFights...you should have seen me that night sitting with two ice packs wedged between my legs :eek: But yes the ice does help quite a bit ...(then follow up with heat day after!...at least that works for me!)


Just that TKD training is so very different then strength training and cardio kickbox...we don't cool down either which I feel is detrimental in our training. I'll go into that more in a Health & Fitness thread later on.



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:dead:I can imagine Kickchick. It is really strange the way muscle fibers can jump around all on their own. :eek:


I have this really odd technique for knees. I freeze water in styrofoam cups. When i get ready to use them I score the outside with lines with a butter knife. While ensconced in the bath tub I proceed to do a nice ice massage while holding the knee above the water. Then I submerger that knee and start the other one if I need to do both knees. If not I set the cup down on the edge of the tub until the knee is ready for the next ice cycle. As the ice melts down I peel the cup away using the scored lines.


Ain't it amazing how different workouts using the same muscles can feel so different the next day?



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i'll get into mine later; but now ,all i got to say is "i feel better already".............(smile)....ice is nice................ :nod:


KICKCHICK........get well soon and remember to take your time when resuming workouts your not used to..........kissy/kissy




rushman (karate forums sensei)


3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon


"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson


[ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2001-11-29 08:49 ]

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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Oh....I'm all better now! It was the intitial comeback. I don't do anything half-assed so I went into my first comeback class like gangbusters :cowboy: ...and boy did I pay the price for a few days! Its been a few weeks now and everything AOK...thanks all!



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