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Healthy Eating ? Diet ?

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i want to lose weight not gain like tuna fish i thank will bulk me


could you read my post and do the menu right i need help fast


i need help fast i need help fast


from matt blake karate warrior matbla@capital.net if you have a site for me to go to or want to send me a private message to me by e-mail on this subject topic thank you i nned help fast i need help fast

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krunchyfrogg: Do you know where I could read up about the "South Beach Diet" ? I am not to fond of diet programs but the one you specified does not sound to bad, Basically before I started to consider martial arts, I was a regular at the gym, and I basically followed a Rapid fat loss + Muscle building diet, which if anyone is interested, can be found at https://www.usn.co.za ! It worked bloody well, I lost 7kg's in 2 weeks, but in my honest opinion, thats abit unhealthy.


But as it stands I am willing to try anything, purely because I dont know where to start. Obviously with my Martial Arts, I will start and as is planned I go to 2 lessons a week, and on every other day I will go to the gym and swim, but I am basically looking for a diet program to suit my schedule and MA trainging :P Will let you all know what I find !

One does evil if one does nothing at all.


http://www.aftermatch.net (Personal)

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There are many ways to lose weight. None of them are easy. The only way is a lot of excercise and hard work. I used to be 230lbs on a 5'6 frame. I could not even touch my toes(or see them for that matter) :o .


I started out with karate training 2x a week for 1 1/2hrs then worked up to 4x a week. In addition I started basic excersises in the am and pm 7 days a week push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and stretching.


I changed my eating habits (the term diet is too temporary). I basically


believe it or not, eat a high carb low fat high vegtable diet. Red meat 1x a week chicken 3 a week I still eat bread, rice and pizza. I try to keep around 2000-2500 calories a day. The major difference is......


NO COOKIES,CAKE, ICE CREAM, CHIPS(well only on sunday :brow: ) and sugared beverages. Killed the beer intake as well. :o


The result....... DOWN to 175 lbs. and its still off!!!


My point is if a lazy overweight guy in his mid 30's can do it, so can you!!!


It will be hard but take it a step at a time. Set a lot of short term goals to aim for. With every goal achieved it is a positive step in the right direction. You wont regret it. :)


Good luck to you. :up:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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I'm sure there are sites about the South Beach diet, but to be honest, I don't know if I'd do it again if I had to.


Those first two weeks (I know two weeks isn't a long time), the diet basically is the same as Atkins. And I don't think that's a safe diet.


Cut out sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet, and you'll be fine. Nobody needs sugar. And you're better off eating whole grain, wheat, or rye bread than white bread. Instead of a regular potato, get a sweet potato. Cut out any and all junk food, and eat veggies or fruit instead. Most importantly, increase your physical activity, whether it be martial arts, swimming, hiking, walking, or just about anything other than surfing the 'net or watching TV all day!!!

"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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I never said that I dont excercise.


1. I dont eat Junk food


2. I run every day.


3. I swim every evening.


Its not that I am being lazy, about the only time I have to sit in a chair is when I am work :\ Which actually sucks, I would love to quit my job if I could and do something more exciting ! But at the end of the day I need a job that can pay the bills, and if I have to sit infront of a pc during the day todo it, well then I will do what I have todo :\

One does evil if one does nothing at all.


http://www.aftermatch.net (Personal)

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Same here. Sitting in an office is not the place to be, but until I win the lotto I'll have to suffer for a while.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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As a basic 'diet' plan I'd recommend plenty of fruit & veg, cut out simple carbohydrates (like cakes, sweets etc), ditch the fried food, trim all visible fat off meat (this includes skin on chicken), cut down on alcohol (cutting it out altogether would be even better, but you gotta have some pleasures in life) and drink PLENTY of water - at least 8-10 large glasses a day.


Even simple things such as switching to skimmed milk, wholemeal bread instead of white, diet cola instead of regular. Heck, even grilling chips (french fries) if you're gonna eat them is better than frying them! Even small differences to a persons eating habits can make a big change.


I'll ditto what everyone else has said and add that plenty of regular excercise is important too. Diets without exercise aren't half as effective as a diet + excercise.

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It helps to have a goal in mind of what you want out of a diet. Are you looking to lose weight, get fit, or bulk up?


If you are looking for a healthy way to lose weight I would suggest first removing SUGAR from your diet. Get rid of the pop!! Watch how much sugar you intake. Why watch your sugar intake? What sugar isn't burned turns to fat.


After cutting the sugars out of the diet I would seriously consider a very strenuous aerobic workout. Find a program that starts out slow but escalates to a strenuous workout for at least a 1/2 hr to an hour long. You will want to find a program that will work your entire body. Arms, stomach, sides, legs, stretching and anything I might of mist in between.


I like the idea of not eating 3 hrs before I goto bed so that when I retire for the evening my body sleeps and regenerates its cells. Rather than working on digesting the food I just ate before going to bed.


Another thing I like to do is do an aerobic workout first thing in the morning. I grab a towel, BIG glass of H2O and hit the mat for about 45 minutes. My clothing is usually dripping wet when I am finished.


For breakfast I like oatmeal and a big glass of milk. I usually have some sort of fruit around 10ish and then eat lunch around noon then hit the gym for an hour then have another fruit snack after the workout. Dinner around 7 and done for the night.


I might even do a little stretching at night mixed with a kata workout.


This program will help out those wanting to loose weight and those that want to get or stay fit.


God Bless :karate:

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  • 1 month later...

i am 230 pound hight 5-1 short pant size 49 or 50


i need a menu plan like this for two week


like on


monday breask fast eat__? at this time__? lunch eat__? at this time__? snack eat__? at this time__? dinner eat__? at this time__? snack eat__?at this time__?


do this for two week i like different thing so i do not get board if i do not have a menu to follow i will eat all the time




e-mail me at matbla@capital.net


from matt blake

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