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Glucosamine / Chondroitin and tendon cramps in foot ?


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I've been taking Glucosamine / Chondroitin supplements for a month or so to try and help my knee heal but I've noticed some wierd cramping / spraining in the tendons around my achilies or front of my foot around the ankle ever since taking it.


This occurs on both feet and started happening the day after I started the supplements.


Talking to someone close to my age in the dojo last night it seems he has the same cramping and he has just started taking the same supplements.


Anyone else get simillar feelings?





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I dont take supplements really but i would stop if i were you, if it hurts it is likely your body is trying to tell you something.


I would take Cod Liver Oil, its not as man made as what you are taking and may work better as well.


Try it i always do i i get injured and it works wonders. Its not fancy but it works, thats all i care about

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I've noticed this as well, check this website out for some more information on the actual medication:




As for the pain, I'm not sure. I know that you can have more frequent & softer stool, as well as some sleeping and breathing (asthma related) difficulty. If it were me, I'd check with my doctor just to be sure, the main reason being that the medication is also supposed to have an analgesic effect in the tendons and thus reduce pain, not cause pain elsewhere.


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I take glucosimine and chondroitin suppliments daily, along with MSM and several herbs. I also have a standing prescription for Celebrix, which I only take as needed- usually after I've really worked the heavy bag or done a lot of hard sparing. So, I don't really take the prescription drug that often, and certainly not regularly. But if I miss the suppliments for even a day, and even without a workout, it can take me over a week to get back on track. And I don't have the side effects you mention.


So, in my experience, the gucosamine and chondroitin, along with the other suppliments, works. But my body may respond differently than yours. Some suggestions:


*Make sure it is glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate- the only kind your body will readily absorb.


*Get good quality.


*Use only capsules, as the heat generated in making tablets tends to destroy the ingredients.


*Take an MSM suppliment- without it, the bennifits of taking glucosamine or chondroitin are limmited, at best.


*If you take MSM, you'll need to take vitamin C also.


*Try taking herbal suppliments to help joint health and reduce swelling.


*If you are having problems with the suppliments, try changing brands and/or adjusting dosages.


* If you don't already have a prescription for an arthritus drug, get one so that when you do overdo it and need something extra, you can take that instead of increasing your dosage of herbs and suppliments.


These are some things that have worked for me. Your mileage may varry, but I hope this helps.

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Hi Guys,


I've been taking Glucosamine for a few years now. I have only had positive effects from using it. I started out with Glucosamine sulfate and then started with chrodroitin as well. There was no difference. When I started taking MSM in addition to the Glucosamine, I felt an even bigger improvement in the old body. I generally take 1500mg of each daily split 1/2 in the morning 1/2 before I leave for class.


As for the cramping I don't know the answer.


I do know that there could be a problem for those with an allergy to shell-fish since many glucosamine products are made from them.

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Are you drinking enough water? Cramps can be caused by dehydration (I don't know if glucosomine or chondroitin can have that side effect or not), but I've had cramp problems in my feet before, and drinking lots of water cured the problem.

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It doesn't cause it directly, but it does cause the body to require more water intake, so yes... i think you're onto something there krunchycookie.

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Sorry didn't get time to read everyone elses replys but had a scan through and agree about the dehydration.


I found I dehydrated when using glucosamine and also suffered really bad cramps. And it was true for me that this was really relieved with increase fluid intake. also try consuming a little more salt :o thats supposed to be good for cramps etc.



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also try consuming a little more salt :o thats supposed to be good for cramps etc.Bretty


See, I knew all those potatochips were good for me!!!!! :P


Always drink plenty of fluids before and after you work out. :up:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Are you drinking enough water? Cramps can be caused by dehydration (I don't know if glucosomine or chondroitin can have that side effect or not), but I've had cramp problems in my feet before, and drinking lots of water cured the problem.


I agree with making sure you are drinking enough water.


Also, how is your potasium and calcium intake? If you are not getting enough of either of those two, you will cramp up.


Good luck,



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