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can you break your toe and not know it?


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ok. my toe has been a little sore for about 2 months now. it's not my toe really, but the bone that sticks out on the outside of my foot, just below my pinky toe. i remember kind of hurting it during a sparring match, but it wasn't all that painful, and it never got swollen or anything. but i'm concerned that it's still hurting. i thought i might have bruised the bone - i've done that before to my heel and it feels similar - but last night my sister said she thought maybe the bone looked like it was sticking out a little further than it should be. on one hand, i'm scared that i might have broken it and let it heal wrong and now i'll have to have it rebroken or something scary and painful like that. on the other hand, i find it hard to believe that i could have broken a bone in my foot and still walked, run, sparred and worn high heeled shoes out dancing, without pain. (it only hurts when i push directly on the bone)


any thoughts?



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Sounds like it could be a Tailors Bunion. They can stay inflammed for quite sometime. Of course, if you think you broke something you should see a doctor to make sure, but if it's a bunion it will "calm" down if you wear soft wide shoes, no high heels, etc.



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It is quite possible to cause a crack in the bone without it causing unbearable pain. I've done it. :) Go to a doctor, get an x-ray.


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I've broken my toe and didn't know until it healed and is sort of bent as a result.

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are willing to endure pain with patience."

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Apparently the average person breaks or fractures a toe about four times a year without knowing it! Well maybe it hurt them at the time but they didn't think it was broken. My theory on broken toes is, if it hurts or looks weird, go to a doctor. If it doesn't, don't worry!

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If it's still hurting you and you're worried about it then go see your doctor and maybe have an x-ray too.


There's not much you can do for broken toes/fingers anyway, except rest and supportive strapping (unless its broken deformed & out of shape in which case you'd definately need a doc to look at it).

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if you can still move it, its not broken, but seeing a doctor cant be wrong.


but dont worry, its just a toe - you got 10 of them, so who cares :) j/k

Apparently the average person breaks or fractures a toe about four times a year without knowing it!


i didnt know that :o

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well, i went to my doctor and she's sending me to a podiatrist for an xray. she suspects a "fractured 4th metatarsal" - eek! but she said if i did it two months ago, it's already healed by now and she just wants to make sure that it healed properly enough that it won't affect me later in life. cross your fingers for me - i want this new doctor to say, "yep. you broke it. it's ok now. no problems!" :)

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I sprained my toe a year and some ago and it still hurts then i srained it agian 2 months ago and nw its much better, its weird, i guess it got put back in place, but anyway prepare for the worst (mening it mihgt hurt for a long time)

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