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what is the best style for street fighting

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hi to all u guys


first of all i want to introduce myself i m faisal from pakistan i am newcomer in the world of martial arts but i m determined to learn it but i dont know wat style will suit me bcoz i want to learn it for the purpose of self defense against more than one person or against a person stronger than me now i know that opportunities r there that there may b many people or they have weapon or any thing else but i think a person can try for wat he has in his own hands so i want to know wat style will suit me either taichi karate taikwandoor wat for absolute streeetfight and self defense and wat will be the requirments if i wanna start it at hjome as i am not going to take admission in any school i will do it from books and with the help of u people but i wana ask wat will be the style best for me?

i m faisal and want to learn martial arts bcoz i m so weak and coward that i even cant defend myself and i want to defend me and my gf

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Advice number one. Don't start learning a martial art from books (even from tape or internet), those supports can help you completing your MA instruction but they never are a useful substitute.


Advice number two. See what's available in your area, visit the various school and choose what suit you best.


Advice number three. After a while (this is a very personal opinion and not everybody I guess are in agreement with me) all martial arts gives you good self-defence skills but some styles are more self-defence oriented then others and you learn self defence skills faster. Those IMHO are:






3)Wing Chun


4)Thai Boxe




6) Freestyle self defence.




In no particular order.

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:D Italian Guy is right on all counts. Books are pretty useless when it comes to learning any style. Videos are good for intermediate to advanced students who want to try something new. If u have no schools and you want to practice at home u should concentrate on basic boxing skills. Develop your conditioning especially your core ie abs. Jump rope, shadow box, and if u can get a heavy bag. A fast jab and a good 3 punch combo are hard to beat. Most importantly develop footwork with a good guard. You may not win a fight but being able to move while protecting your vitals will ensure u survive and be able to run away, especially if your in good condition. Every good master I ever had always said that running away is best for self defense.


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Again, like everyone above, do not learn from books. Some of the disadvantages are as follows:


- You don't have someone to show you the proper way.


- You don't have someone to correct your mistakes.


- You don't have someone to let you know when you are improving.


- You don't get any hands on practicing with a partner.


- You may be motivated now, but for many people it is hard for them to continue the motivation of learning at home, compared to having to go to class at a set time and date.


- If you are not shown the proper way, you are at risk of injury.


As for the best style. Well, I don't have much knowledge of a lot of different types of martial arts. However I will say that I do Kyokushin Karate and I think it is very useful because we practice doing full contact. As a result on many instances you are practicing more on realisitc fighting. The one disadvantage though, is that we do not practice doing hand strikes to the head or face for safety reasons mostly. But we get conditioned to take the hits as well as kick and strike with speed and proper technique.


You may want to look at Mui Thai or kick boxing as well. I believe they practice with full contact once you get experience, and they also focus strictly on fighting, where in Kyokushin you do other stuff like Kata's and self defense techniques as well.


When it comes down to it, I believe that practicing with full contact will make you a better fighter because it makes you respect the power of your strikes, and it helps you learn in a more realistic situation, plus in some ways it makes you learn how to deal with pain and what to expect when being hit. Often times when you practice pulling your strikes and kicks back before contact, if you were in a real situation you would tend to do the same thing because it has been engraved into your mind. I'm not saying this is the case for everyone of course, and it is not meant to belittle any other style that doesn't use full contact in it's curriculem. This is just what I believe works for myself. Plus, full contact tournements are fun and challening! :)

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I would personally mix Thai Boxing and Brazilian Jui Jitsu.


I think Krav Maga does this well and shootfighting.


Im personally not a fan of JKD, jack of all trades master of none. For the most part a Tahai boxer will beat them standing up and a Brazilian Jui Jitsu guy will beat them on the ground. Thats been my experience of whati have seen in the ring. So i would go with that. If you want weopons do Escrima or a similar style.

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Assuming the instruction in any of the following would be good, I'd say the top 5 are (from worst to best):


5. Boxing /w Wrestling


4. Jujitsu


3. Kyokushin/Isshin Karate




1. Xingyiquan

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All this advice sounds pretty good, and my experience isn't really extensive enough to know "the best", but I guess that's a matter of opinion anyway.


Muay Thai and and Brazilian Jui Jitsu are a good choice because Muay Thai is (one of) the best stand up arts you can do, while BJJ would be IMO the best grappling MA.


Interestingly, in an autobiography written by an ex-bouncer in England, he says that boxing is probably the most effective simply because in a street fight you usually don't have the range for kicks and if you're grappling you're tied up with one opponent. Of course, if you do Muay Thai there's always the joy of knees and elbows, elbows especially because they are powerful, short-range and you won't break your fist!


In the end I think the main thing is to do something with full contact sparring, to give you a safe place to see what you can handle and how effective you are.


Good luck! :)

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Buy a punching bag, start working out. Try to gain as much muscle mass as possible. That's the only way you'll keep people from picking on you as often without MA training. Do not try to learn from books or videos, because you won't understand how to do it properly without a teacher.

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thanx for all of u people for giving me suggestions so i willl not learn it from books but i have to gio far away from my home to learn it but no prob n 2nd think i haave felt personally that kickboxing JKD r best for me thank u again

i m faisal and want to learn martial arts bcoz i m so weak and coward that i even cant defend myself and i want to defend me and my gf

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Hey! I think that kickboxing JKD is effective. If I had access to that I'd do it!

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