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All (or close) about me :-)


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Hi, My name is James Dasher I am a Assistan Administrator here at KarateForums.Com. Here is a bit about me...


Name: James Dasher


Location: Pueblo, CO, USA


Age: 16


Education: I have been homeschooled my entire life, I am now doing what is the equivalent of public school's 10th grade...I will probably be starting at a local community college next year. Going for a business managament degree.


Karate Info: I study Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and Ju-jitsu. I will be starting Muay Thai Kickboxing this week (let you know more later :smile:). I started martial arts several years ago and then because of personal/financial reasons had to stop actively studying. I am now back in the ring, but have started over I am now only a Yellow Stripe.


Interests, and more: I have been working with designing/developing on the internet for about 2-3 years now more as a hobby then anything else, I have done some work for pay but not much. I have several sites though none very active.


Contact me: You can contact me via the various ways below


Email: jamesdasher@dashermarketing.com


AIM: jamesdasher


ICQ: 86415911


Yahoo!: dasherjames


MSN: jamesdasher@wwdb.org


I look forward to talking with and getting to know all of you.



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I have also homeschooled for my entire life also. :smile:




Patrick O'Keefe


KarateForums.com - Administrator


[ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2001-05-22 17:42 ]

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  • 3 weeks later...

master dasher; it is very nice to see a young man with the maturity you seem to have. keep up the good work and good luck in your future.


follow the road and it will take you to unknown destinations.





rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pleasure to meet you.




Tae :grin:



Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan

Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu

Board member International Martial arts Association.

"Before destruction one's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor."

Proverbs 18:12

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  • 3 years later...

Wow, that is so out of date it is not even funny...I haven't been on this website in a long time (moved on in life in a lot of areas) but I thought I would see what was happening in this place.


Looks like you guys are definitely keeping busy, good to see some of the old guard is still in leadership! Patrick you seem to be doing an amazing job.


To update my profile...


Name: James M. Dasher (that hasn't changed :D)


Age: 19


Location: Currently Portland, OR going to school. Christmas break starts this Saturday for me though so I will be going home.


What am I doing?: I am currently going to Multnomah Bible College in Portland, OR, USA pursuing a bachelor of science degree with a triple major in Bible/Theology, Speech Communication, and Music. I haven't been able to pick up the martial arts again for several years because of schedule/money/moving around but would love to again in the future.


Well that's all great to see this community is still going strong, was fun to pop in now here I go back to homework (like I should be doing anyway).

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