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Do you believe in True Love?


Do you believe in True Love?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe in True Love?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I dont know

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It's a choice, people. It's hard to love someone else when you are the center of your own universe. More you give, the more you get. And, it only gets better with time. But you'll never really understand love, for your wife or anyone else, until the first time you hold your newborn baby in your arms. That's when you really start to understand it. Then again, you get a much better grasp on what love means when that baby becomes a petulant, snarly, emotional, obstreperouse, hormone crazed teen ager. If they survive those years in tact, you, the parent, truly know what it means to love!

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I believe that everyone has at least one soul mate, but that we may not always find ours. Sometimes in the course of our lives, we "settle" for a "good match", instead of true love. I think that's where the problems occur.


There's plenty of people you could spend your life with semi-happily, but very very few with which you could stay in love forever. I think most of us miss out on that. I'm not sure if I believe there's only one person, "the one". Ideally, yes I'd like to believe that. Realistically, it's too fairy-tale and I'm too cynical.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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Yeah I believe in it and have had it, though I wonder if it is possible to love one person 100% for life? Maybe that is a totally new question. I think falling in love is always better than being in love.



ShotoMan of the Shotokan

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No, people just relitavly can't inagine being without their significant other. Their life could be better with anyone else, just they can't contemplate it. But if you're happy with someone, call it whatever you like.


EDIT: Hmm, thinking about it, I could well have the wrong idea. True love could be that not imagining yourself without the other. Sorry if I seemed abit bigheaded. I haven't experienced enough of life to know about real love.

Edited by Mc. Steve

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i really have no idea of true love exists. i am to frightend to get hurt thats why i dont want to experience it, if it should exist.

Be everything. Be nothing.

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i am just abouting in finding myself. i used to live far to much to please others. i have just noticed that. so much to live in a own universe hopefully i will find mine soon

Be everything. Be nothing.

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This whole thread is ironic. I just goes to show you what the three smallest books are on the planet (in no particular order):


1. Everything Men Know About Women


2. Everything Women Know About Men


3. last but not least: Examples of Successful Marriage

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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A friend of my friend's mom wrote this a long tme ago and she sent it in another forum:



1. When you become crazy over the person and you know it has nothing to do with any abnormal behavior or brain damage on your part.


2. When songs and poems which did not have any significance to you before suddenly become important because they make you think of the other person in a wonderful sort of way.


3. When you begin to want to know more about the other in a way that make you want to peel each layer of the non-essential qualities of the person until you get to the part where you encounter the other for who he/she is.


4. When you find the other the most handsome/most beautiful person even if he/she does not look like Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts.


5. When you become a storywriter or a poet even if you do not have a degree in literature and all you could write about is him/her.


6. When everything in nature reminds you of the other person and how he/she has brought so much happiness into your life.


7. When you intensely want to make love only with the other person and don’t want to touch or be touched with any other man or woman for that matter.


8. When he/she is the last person you think of before you sleep at night, when he/she the first person you think of when you wake up in the morning, and when thoughts about him/her flood your mind the whole day.




9. When you think you can live with the person for the rest of your life, taking into account that years from now he would look like his father or she would look like her mother.


10. When you choose to live with him/her even if you could live on your own without him/her.


11. When your dreams and goals are focused on how these would bring you closer to him/her.


12. When the other’s pleasure and happiness is equally important or more important than your own pleasure and happiness.


13. When you become so open and honest with each other that you can articulate almost anything-- from your innermost fears to your sexual fantasies.


14. When you know there are a lot of mountains to climb before you can have each other yet both of you are willing to climb these mountains regardless of how long and how difficult the journey.


15. When you are willing to fight for your man or woman for as long as what you are fighting for is your love for him/her.


16. When you think that the other person is worth all the struggles and the waiting.


17. When you dream of having a house of your own with the kind of bed, chair, and sofa that you both like to own.


18. When you want to learn new things for your sake and for the sake of the other person.




19. When you recognize that he/she is not the terrifically sensual man or woman you expect but you love him/her anyway.


20. When you discover that there are things you couldn’t agree with but you love each other anyway.


21. When he/she likes science, cornflakes and sleeps in his/her birthday suit and you like the humanities, hot noodles and sleep in your oversized T-shirt but you love each other anyway.


22. When you give space to each other to further your respective growth and you still love each other anyway.


23. When he/she doesn’t look like the man/woman you married years ago but you still love each other anyway.


24. When the thrill and excitement of the falling in love stage have become a distant memory but you love each other anyway.


25. When the other still means the whole world to you and more after all these years.


26. When you value each other all the more despite the biological changes that mortals are heirs to.


27. When you still hold hands in the dark and snuggle together in the mornings, sometimes in a spoon position like the way you used to.


28. When you care for each other all the more despite all the quarrels and misunderstandings.


29. When you can laugh at each other’s weaknesses and be proud of each other’s strengths.


30. When you reach the end of this article and you still want to be with him/her, then you must really be in love!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Budderfly, I like that. I haven't been with my boyfriend for long enough to know.... But fingers crossed! 8)


I may not be old, but I have always been a cynic and this rather abrupt introduction to love (hey, what's this feeling :-?) has kinda scr*wed me up! I still don't believe in "true" love or "soulmates", but I do believe in love, no matter how much the scientist in me grumbles and protests.



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I thought I did but now....im not so sure. I was with a girl who I wanted to marry and im only 20 but I follow til death do us part....well, she felt the same way until she realized how young she was and how not ready she was so I dont understand how you can say your love is so strong for someone and you want to marry them then a week later dump them? I believe its out there, but good luck finding it. I guess i'll keep looking

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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