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Super Strong

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Bruce Lee never fought, as someone said before he was the greatest swimmer who never went into the water.


He's like Jackie Chan a movie actor, he had speed but from what I have read was no where as strong as you'd think, his training was for speed. I recall most his weights he used were under 130 pounds.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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If you are not careful you may become muscle bound, this is were your body becomes so full of muscles that you cant use most of them. I think the best way is to just do the normal exercise routines that are the most basic, yes boring, but effective.




You aren't going to get super muscle bound unless you WANT to get super muscle bound...plus train like crazy, eat perfectly, and take lots of supps (and probably some roids). Getting big is NOT an easy task...not impossible, but nobody's gonna look like a bodybuilder on accident.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

"There is no spoon."

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The only things that will make you big is eating and lifting big. I fyou do not have the fuel to build those huge muscles(ie. calorie overload) then you will not get huge.



There are no limits.

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Bruce Lee never fought, as someone said before he was the greatest swimmer who never went into the water.


He's like Jackie Chan a movie actor, he had speed but from what I have read was no where as strong as you'd think, his training was for speed. I recall most his weights he used were under 130 pounds.


Bruce Lee had a handful of fights. He fought one guy because some chinese people hated the fact that he was teaching Americans. in addition, there are rumors that he had numberous fights with anyone who'd challenge him in his younger years.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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Rumors? I've read of only 2 times when Bruce Lee fought, and neither was against a trained person, sure he could beat most americans with no fighting or conditioning skills. Same goes for today, the better conditioned fighter usually wins.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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I didn't real all the msgs, somaybe this was posted. Without weights, if you stay in a horse-riding stance for as long as you can stand it. (Feet aprt, toes SLIGHTLY turned in and squating, with your back straight. I'm assuming that all martial arts do this, we do it in Soo Bahk Do.) As white belts, start with 2 minutes a day and work your way up. The best black belt at our gym (outside Sa Ba Nim) just hit the 45 min. mark. You will feel your thighs burn.

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Go work in Africa for a couple of months. I did and I put on just under half a stone, some is fat but the rest seems to be muscle. A far more fun way of doing it :)

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Okay CapitalKarate. I'll bite. Why is there no such thing as a neanderthal?


Haha, bet you anything you like he/she doesn't believe in evolution :roll: No offence CapitalKarate.


Haha, and I bet you do, don't you? :roll: no offence, Fenris-wolf.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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