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I'm new to the forum and just want to introduce myself. My name is George, But you can call me Eiichi, or whatever you prefer. I did Goju Ryu karate for a little while in San Francisco. I stopped training there because I moved to San Jose (50 miles away). Between the last time I trained and now it's been about three years since I did anykind of martial art. I was trying to fall asleep the other night but couldn't, reason being was because I kept thinking about karate and how much I missed it. So I got up in the middle of the night and grabbed the yellow pages. I started writing down all the potential dojo's I might be interested in. The next morning I started calling and searching, after about an hour of doing that I found a place that advertised Mas Oyama style karate (kyokushinkai). I walked in and asked if I could participate in a trial class. The sensei there is very nice and didn't hesitate to say yes. I quickly put on my gi and endured the 2 hours of getting my butt kicked. It really took me back, They trained with the same intensity and vigor as my old Dojo. They were all very friendly and disciplined. Goju Ryu and Kyokushinkai is very different from one another but the Sensei and the students seem good natured and they take their training seriously. Thats all I need to enjoy my training. Intensity, seriousness, respect and a friendly atmosphere.


I'm glad I found this forum so I can share my love of karate and the martial arts. Thanks for looking OSU! :D

"The true essence of karate, the perfection or ideal for which we strive, cannot be expressed or passed on through the spoken or written word. It is intangible in nature"

Chojun Miyagi

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Kinda reminds me of me too, but I had a seven year break. I only took up MA's again, becuse a class started opposite my house. I'de completely forgotten how briliant it was, and made me wish I'de never left. Anyhoo, welcome Georgeiichi.



World famour for idiotography

6th Kyu Wado Ryu

5th Gup Tang Soo Do

1st Dan Origami

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"Intensity, seriousness, respect and a friendly atmosphere."

You'll find that here too. Glad you found KF- welcome aboard!

Freedom isn't free!

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Glad you're back into the MA. Also glad you found this forum to share your thoughts and give your opinions. Welcome to the boards! :)

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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