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karate - jogging - wheight lifting: what ratio?


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I train karate (shotokan) three times a week,go jogging twice a week and lift weights once a week.


I would like to know what you think about that? shoudl any other training besides karate be done to support karate at all? if so how frequently should it be done.


let me know what you think.





7th Kyu Shotokan

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Hello Henning. That's not a bad programme you've got there. It's good that you train weights as well, because many karate practitioners tend to have unbalanced muscles, you know, they do pushups and situps, but don't train their back, for instance. Maybe you could add one more weight-day into your schedule. You could for instance jog before a weight training, to save space of days.




Shotokan Karate/Kickboxing and My own style

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Hi Henning .... from you post it seems you're doing both the strength and cardio vascualr training which I believe is crucial to martial arts training. Now what you need to decide is whether you are doing them often enough. I belive you can increase both.


If you can do your cardio in the morning and weights in the evening...or if you do it back to back do cardio after weights.


Increase the weight lifting to more than once a week and the weight /reps you do....and the distance you jog (I suggest you increase this for your cardio to more than twice a week!)


You need to draw up a schedule that works for you and keep to it.


Let us know what you decide on and how you do!



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Well, here is my regiment and routine, just so you can get an idea of what other people might do:


Monday: Practice TKD, 30 minutes Exercise Bike.


Tuesday: Weights, 20 minutes on bike


Wednesday: Practice TKD, 30 minutes on bike


Thursday: Weights, 20 minutes on bike


Friday: TKD Lesson


Saturday (if I can get time away from social life): Weights, 20 minutes on bike


Sunday: 30 minutes on bike, lots of stretching, relax.


But hey thats just me :smile:


Best of luck




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Bruce L made an excellent point about having a rounded workout.. :up:


I used to work extremely hard on my stoumach and eventually managed a 6pac, but I found i had a whole load of back problems after. It wasnt untill i realised that the body's muscles work in pairs and that my intensive work out on my stoumach was causing my back problems.


From then on i tried to work on pairs of muscles in my polymetric and weight training.



Shotokan Karate Black Belt

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my opinion on the topic is the following,


That is a heck of a program you have got there, I wish I had the time, I have exams to worry about so that pretty much limits me to what I have time for, I myself train in Shotokan Karate 1-2times a week, and weight lift 5 days a week for about 20 minutes a day!



Anthony Bullock

1st Dan Black Belt - Shotokan Karate

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Bruce__L wrote:


It's good that you train weights as well, because many karate practitioners tend to have unbalanced muscles, you know, they do pushups and situps, but don't train their back.


That's what I do...what are some good back excercises?


And Jack, you are only young aswell right.


What size weights do you use?


[ This Message was edited by: Ahazmaksya on 2001-11-16 22:46 ]

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Ahazmaksya, true I'm 15 in December but the amount of weight I use has not done me any damage. I still get growing pains in my knees and ankles (my growth isnt stunted) I'm an average height for my age and I feel fine.


Besides, I'm a bit of a weakling, 45 pounds on both arms for Dumbell curl and military press, same for Bench press (bit light but oh well)


The weight is a little less than what I can manage.


Yes I know I may be weak but hey, I'm doing something about it and I feel great :smile:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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thanks for all of your good advices.


more training?: i would like to but i dont have the time.


more cardio: i usually run for at leat 15km and sometimes more (up to 25 or even 30km) so i think that it is enough. (i used to run three times a week, but took up too much time)


could you give details about the weight lifting:


how can it support building up speed? (i am awefully slow)





7th Kyu Shotokan

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