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Starting Again

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If you could go back and live your life again, would you choose to do the same martial art(s) as you do now? If so, why would you stick with it and if not, what would you have chosen instead?


If I could have my life again I would have started MA earlier and tried harder to persuade my mum & dad to let me train in judo with my brother (my dad and bro both trained in judo but I was never allowed to because they thought it was too dangerous for girls! BAH). I think I still would have chosen to do Karate and Aikido, though, as I love my MA's dearly and couldn't imagine giving them up.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I would definately have still done shotokan, jujitsu and kendo. I would have tried to stick with boxing a little longer (I only did it for about two months). They were the only arts available to me, other than TKD, but TKD didn't really appeal to me as the local dojo was way too sport oriented.

shotokan karate nidan

jujitsu shodan

kendo shodan

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I think I would have started earlier, but I would have researched different arts before joining a school. Just so I would know more about each art that was available to me at the time. I prolly would have picked the same school, though. Just because they weren't a Mcdojang, like most of them were (in my area of NJ).

Laurie F

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I would have taken the same style maybe just a few years earlier or something maybe more....I really enjoy the first style that i started my path in...it was a very hard and street effective art that encompassed techniques from every art...studied it for many years and still there was no end to new things....i still find it amazing to this day....even more so after seeing several other styles and many other schools, it really makes me appreciate what my instructors did for me.,

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I wish I started 20yrs( :o ) sooner!!!


Have any of you other persons "old enough to run for president" who started late like myself, ever wondered how good you would be with a 20yr younger body??? :roll:


I wonder how different my life would have been if I had started MA in my teens.


I guess the next best way to find out is to act and feel young as long as I can. :)

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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I think I would strt sooner as a young boy, I would travel to china and lern sholin kungfu.

A karate punch it is like a dasvasted stick blow. Instead, a blow of Kung Was is comparable to a lash with a chain that has attacked, allaltra extremity one ball of ferro

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If you could go back and live your life again, would you choose to do the same martial art(s) as you do now? If so, why would you stick with it and if not, what would you have chosen instead?


This is a very interesting question to think about. My initial response is that I should have trained consistently from when I started. I started training in Judo and Jujitsu in the 7th grade and practiced on and off until I graduated high school.


However, what life experiences and events and knowledge would I trade so that I could have that extra 12 years of training? Would I have to trade my experiences playing American football or playing rugby? Would I lose the friends that I made in other areas of my life? Would I have met my wife that is pregnant with my first child?


My final answer is that I do not think I would change a thing. I have made many mistakes and done some good things in my short time in our world. I have learned from the good and the bad, and I think that all of those experiences have helped to make me into the person I am today. I could not change my past and remain the person I am, so I will keep my experiences and hope to continue learning.


I apologize if this is a little too philosophical. :)





Edited by Sorynn
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Yes I agree, I should have started earlier :cry: , at least 10 years earlier or more ( I started at 42 last year) probably I would have not chosen Tai chi if I was below 35, I would have chosen Tai chi later. I do not like grappling arts very much so probably starting at 30 I would have chosen Kickboxing, Karate or Wing Chun (even if in Italy WC is hard to find).
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I wouldn't wasted my 20's. I started training in my mid-teens and stoped when i was on my early 20's. On my mid-20's i didn't trained much and i completly stoped to train during my late 20's. Now in my 30's is when i started to resume my full-time training.
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