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Absolutely Sick!


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But, I can give you a tip.. doing heavy weight lifting (emphasis on heavy) EVERYDAY for an hour is NOT a good thing to do, if you feel sore the next day, DO NOT work out, it's just going to tear your muscles apart. What I do, and it works like a miracle, is I work out everyday, but, I switch off... first day I will do heavy weight lifting, next day I will do some cardio vascular things, go do some running, jump ropes, practice your Kata's feel speed :karate: and then, the third day I will just do toning... which isn't really that important, but I like to look good :brow:


Anyway, I'm not a health expert or a professional weight trainer.. I'm just a 16 year old kid, so feel free to correct me.


Ok, I'll correct you. ;) You CAN work out heavy EVERY day for an hour. The key is to not work the same body parts every day. If you're doing a five day split, make sure you hit every body part once a week. My five day split is:


Monday: Chest


Tuesday: Back


Wednesday: Biceps/Triceps


Thursday: Shoulders


Friday: Legs


Every day I did about 20 minutes of cardio, and I hit my abs (abs can actually take an every day workout, but it's still possible to overtrain). The key to working out is to remember that your muscles don't grow when you're lifting, they grow when you're RESTING.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

"There is no spoon."

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For chest, you can bench (flat, incline and decline), do cable or dumbbell flyes, pushups, and dips. That may run you about a half an hour. I combine chest and the assiting muscles to the chest on those days. Such as, tricep presses, shoulder raises. The reason this is more productive, is this:


When you work your chest, it involves pushing exercises primarily. Benching, for instance, also works the tris and delts (shoulder). If you bench heavy on Monday, then work out your shoulders on Tuesday, you're overkilling your shoulders and you can start overtraining. This is my schedule (assuming no dojo or mat work):


Monday: Chest, shoulders, and triceps


Tuesday: Cardio (either biking or running) and abs.


Wednesday: Legs (I devote a whole day to them, since they are such a large muscle group)


Thursday: Cardio (I use a aerobic DVD) and abs.


Friday: REST


Saturday: Back, biceps and abs


Sunday: Depending on how sore I am or how good I feel, I'll do a light total body workout along with a brisk run. If I feel wiped out, I take another day off.


Everyone is different. Try whay works for you. But like the others say, don't push too hard if you are stil sore from the previous workout. Even though you may be working legs, and your upper body is sore as heck, exercising in this state can be detrimental. SYSTEMIC fatigue is more of a danger for overtraining than localized muscular fatigue. If you exercise before your system recovers over a period of time, you will have difficulty sleeping, headaches, high blood pressure, and you'll get sick more often. This means you're overtraining.

Mixed Martial Artist

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Haha, I stand corrected. But, how can you exercise one muscle group for an hour? I'd get bored.


Well, with arms, it is kinda hard. Small muscle groups tire quickly, that's why I train bi's and tri's on the same day. But my chest, for instance, I have to hit it from several angles to truly get results (I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything unless I destroy a muscle group). Mind you, I know when to stop.


Typical chest day includes one pre exhaust set with light weight and lots of reps (usually a superset of DB Flyes and presses), then:


3x10 Incline bench press


3x10 Flat bench press


3x10 Pec Dips


With all of that, plus resting between sets, changing the setting on the bench, changing weights for different excercises, 10 minute warm up and cool down, that takes a little over an hour. Leg day, its impossible for me to keep UNDER an hour, but there are SEVERAL muscle groups I have to hit.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

"There is no spoon."

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