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Absolutely Sick!


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I'm toasted! I have a sore throat, runny nose, dizzy head etc. I want to train today! Wednesdays at the dojo are the best! I can train for like, 3 - 5 hrs, and I want to show an attidtude that says "yeah, I'm sick, but thats not going to stop me from training".


But I can barely stand up.


What should I do!? I want to show better spirit in my training, but I'm worried I won't even make it to the bus without collapsing.


By the way, is 14 - 17 hours a week of training (8-10 hours of karate, 5 hours of weights, 1 hour of running) overdoing it? It's my passion, and usually the only things holding me back is the possibility of puking or "rectal" sickness.


Help. I feel like I'm already dead.


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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No, don't train. Exhausting yourself now will only make it more difficult to get back to your regular training habits. In addition, your dojo friends would less than appreciate it if you gave them your illness.
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I had the flu a few weeks ago. I didn't train. I still had to work, though, except for two days when I called in sick. I couldn't even stand up. It's not good to train when you are sick. You should let your body recover properly first. When you are feeling better, then you can go train and sweat the rest of your illness out. But right now, from what you said, is not a good time to train. Your body won't last. Plus smr is right. If you get your fellow students sick, I don't think they will be very happy with you.

Laurie F

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Stay home!!!


Eat soup,


Lay down,


Watch TV,




You will heal faster, you will feel better, and most of all.....


you won't get everyone else as sick as you.


Its not worth it.

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Stay home and let your body recover. Trying to train when you're very sick isn't helping you or your fellow karateka. Some good hot soup sounds good. Drink a good "Hot Tottie" before bed and you'll be on your way to recovering. :) Hope you feel better soon!! :karate:

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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I had "walking" pneumonia in one lung when I took my orange belt test. I thought I was going to pass out half way through the test. I was young and dumb and had just gotten out of the Army straight out of High school. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest thing to do. My instructor thought it was great and showed a lot of spirit. It turns out that he was a complete knucklehead and didn't have the first clue as to what it takes to be a karrate instructor. We all have to live and learn but I wouldn't do it again. Take care of yourself and shorten your illness.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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If you train when you're sick, you can run your immune system down which will make your illness worse or prolong it. Your system needs rest during illness, otherwise it has no energy to fight the virus in your body. Take it easy for a while, drink lots of fluids, take NyQuil before bed, and you'll be rarin' to go in no time.

Mixed Martial Artist

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Yeah, stay home. Nobody will worry about your commitment to the school. And, I don't know if you're over-doing it, as far as your martial arts training goes, 5 hours a week weight lifting and 1 hour of running. It depends on how you feel, I guess. But, I can give you a tip.. doing heavy weight lifting (emphasis on heavy) EVERYDAY for an hour is NOT a good thing to do, if you feel sore the next day, DO NOT work out, it's just going to tear your muscles apart. What I do, and it works like a miracle, is I work out everyday, but, I switch off... first day I will do heavy weight lifting, next day I will do some cardio vascular things, go do some running, jump ropes, practice your Kata's feel speed :karate: and then, the third day I will just do toning... which isn't really that important, but I like to look good :brow:


Anyway, I'm not a health expert or a professional weight trainer.. I'm just a 16 year old kid, so feel free to correct me.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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