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Advice on trainin on my own

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I only get to go to one Taekwondo lesson a week, so I train solo twice a week, along with strength exercises three times a week. I guess you just have to keep in the mindset to improve and continue on with your training. Watch a martial arts movie, or read an MA magazine or website, whatever it takes to get you feeling in the mood to continue training. If you stick through this patch of time but keep training then it will truely pay off somewhere down the road.


For my solo sessions I tend to do something like this:


Warmup (Exercise bike for 5 minutes)




All Patterns twice - first time slow, second time fast


Shadow boxing


20 minutes on Exercise bike


However I'll vary it. The Shadow boxing is sometime changed to dedicated kick practicing, or more pattern practice, etc.


You can take the person out of a martial art, but you cannot take the martial art out of a person.


Best of luck :grin:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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What is wrong with the sport of Muay Thai? Not a damn thing that's what! If that's the case, then how come we have fighters across the country spilling their blood, sweat, and tears on the canvas in front of only about 200 people a night. How come more people don't take a bigger interest in Muay Thai? Because they don't understand it. If the public had a better understanding of what exactly Muay Thai was they'd be more willing to shell out the ten or fifteen bucks for a ticket. I mean I fight out of the Emerald Mongoose Muay Thai Camp, and train with Mick Doyle, and Kongnapa. We had a show where World Champion Dan Rawlings of Ohio fought World Champion Kongnapa, in front of no more then 200 people. It is our jobs as fighters, trainers, and promoters to get the name of Muay Thai public, please do your part. Moving onto one other thing, Junior fighters. I myself am only seventeen years old, and for the last year and a half I have been fighting in the Adult division, but only because there were no other Juniors to fight. I won the IKF U.S. Championship from David Flurry in 2000, but really I haven't seen a large ammount of Junior competition. Now the IKF has an established Junior Division. I am unfamiliar with other federations such as the ISKA and others, so if you know any other organizations with established Muay Thai and Kickboxing divisions for juniors please let me know so that I can do my job as Asisstant coach for the Emerald Mongoose Junior Team and get them fights.

"Thunder Rumbles, Lightning Kills!!!"

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